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𝐠𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞 :
lowercase intended.

months prior to the situation at hand, jungeun would've never expected a bond so strong to wither up and die so quickly.


cold, ruthless, and unforgiving. the winter wind blew against her face swiftly, like a slap in the face each time it approached. jungeun was mad and trudging down the sidewalk to her bus stop, hoping she wouldn't be late. the blonde haired female seemed to be a magnet for the consistent reminders of tardiness, the girl had even considered making a collage once the collection grew past one-hundred.

at the thought, a warmly devious smile spread across her face. jungeun tended to smile when ideas that were bound to get her in trouble ran through her mind.


her sluggish body was soon tugged back by another, the familiar voice of kim jiwoo stringing through the air. "jungeun! why are you so slow? you're going to be late, again." the overly bubbly girl whined, hugging jungeun from behind. "yeah, yeah. i know. but when the ground has fifty inches of snow covering my route how am i supposed to move, miss perfect attendance?" a groggily reply was presented. without response, the two girl's hands soon laced together (initiated by jiwoo of course) and both of their bodies rushed forward.

it was only holding jiwoo's small hand within her own, running forward without any care in the world that jungeun felt free. their grasp tightening as they headed further, jungeun's eyes flickered over to admire her friend for a second. her friend. don't stare at your best friend like she's the love of your life. but with the wide smile on jiwoo's face, every feature in itself shining with beauty, jungeun didn't want to stop herself. and for once she was glad they were running so fast, that it was so cold jiwoo couldn't keep her eyes open to see.

after all, how would jungeun explain why she was staring at her?

"because you're ugly." hyunjin scoffed when asked that very question by heejin, who frowned instantaneously. "but you're my ugly.." she then added, and heejin smiled as if it was the sweetest thing she had ever been told. in hindsight it probably was, their relationship always being tom and jerry like. but jiwoo slapped hyunjin, yelling about how that wasn't loving or sweet at all before cuddling up to sooyoung again.

ha sooyoung was a grade above jiwoo and jungeun, with a presence that alone spoke volumes. it made jungeun seethe and she soon rose up from her seat. "where are you going lippie?" the petite red head called out, that familiar nickname deepening the already opened wound of unrequited love. but the taller girl just turned around with a forced smile and shrugged.

saddened footsteps eventually ceased as she reached the top of the school's roof. students weren't allowed to be there for obvious reasons and yet jungeun couldn't help but consistently find herself up there. the first time she had gotten close enough to really see everything, her eyes caught a small garden that had been left to die remaining. but she had fixed it up.

kim jungeun always took care of everything and everyone, it made it all hurt less. she didn't have time to think about her own pain.

fast-forward to the present— the toppling poles holding up a plastic roof now stood up straight, the wooden bench swing was a little less dusty, and she had even planted a few new flowers. as usual the roses greeted her when she slowly approached. the daily ritual she had become accustomed to was going as planned.

but what she hadn't expected was to see someone else up there, hair blonder than jungeun's own bent over one of the tulips.

once jungeun's presence was impossibly hard not to detect, the stranger turned around. "are these yours?" was the single question raised, a gesture to the plants she had newly surrounded herself with. "well i mean, i take care of them? i planted a few, i guess. why are you up here? it's uh, against the rules." the owner soon replied, rubbing the back of her neck and trying her hardest to avoid eye contact.

"i could ask you the same thing, but i feel like we'd have a pretty similar answer. i've seen you around, with sooyoung and her girlfriend's friends— kim jungeun right? i'm jung jinsoul, it's nice to meet you." the apparently elder of the pair replied with a laugh, a friendly smile resting on her lips afterwards.

that was the beginning of the friendship between jinsoul and jungeun. and the end would come as soon as it had begun.

perhaps if she wasn't so caught up on jiwoo, she could've fallen for jinsoul too.

𝐠𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐞 :
not proofread.

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