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With her heart racing and her feet aching, Y/N continued to keep her pace up. She was growing more and more weary in the moment as the voices still echoed in the dense forest. The voices seemed to surround her, angry men, coming from every direction. Y/N knew they were far beyond her sight, which was a good thing. She couldn't see them, but could still hear them. It was common for her to be chased out of taverns. She wasn't a drunk, she simply met with clients and lounged there for a good few hours. Just because the voices began to thin out, didn't mean she'd stop. Y/N wasn't going to wait and see if they gave up or not. It was too risky. Men today are ruthless. She thought, keeping her gaze before her. Y/N was a quick girl, even with her armor that shed yet to get used to. Leaping to avoid overgrown roots of large trees and ducking under low branches were few of her techniques to get around. Y/N constantly ran for what felt like hours. Time flies when trying to stay alive. She broke out in a clearing, trees scattered and distant, but still resemble that she was still in the forest but simply a clearing. She was relieved. Y/N decided she could probably make camp, though was still shook from the thought of the men tracking her down. Y/ worry too much.  The voice of her mother spoke. Y/N got chills, shaking away the memories of her passed mother. With a soft grunt, the female lifts a large long, bringing it to her torso as to where she held it with her arms under it. She waddled over to the circle she made in the snow, and dropped the log, it plopping down. She wiped her forehead and looked at the pile before her. In her back pouch, Y/N carried a small pouch on her belt. She squatted down and took her small dagger from its sheath. In the pouch was a small wad of dried grass, and a small piece of some shimmering rock. Flint. One could tell how much they rely on fire and flint once they go their first 2 year mission. About an hour had past, and Y/N rubbed her shoulder, sitting before the crackling flames. The bright orange color given by the flames cast off dark shadows to Y/Ns fine facial features. High cheek bones, E/C eyes, S/C skin, and long/short H/C hair. She was calm noe. If those men really wanted me, they would be taking me now.  And with that thought, she slowly was able to dose off. Y/N was exhausted, and her mind was eased enough to finally allow her to sleep.  The night was nearly silent, only sounds being heard were crickets, wild animals in the area, and the crackling plumes of fire that just then began to die down. Y/N was slumped over, her body on a cluster of various twigs so she wouldn't get too wet from the soft snow under her. The last thing she needed was hypothermia. Her long lashes hovered over her now rosied cheeks, her expression showing that the girl was simply now at ease.

Shifting in her sleep, Y/N grumbled softly. Paranoia caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand straight, and suddenly, she burst up. Awoken in a cold sweat, Y/N was only met with the familiar feeling of cold metal against her throat. Her eyes open in seconds and there they were. All twenty six of the men, who actually found her. A nasty, no good grin showed on the large males face. He had pale skin, blonde hair, heterochomatic eyes, and chapped lips. One peculiar feature that triggered the smirk to arise to Y/Ns face was the black eye the male had. She slowly put her hands up. "Hey, Roy. How's that eye been treatin' you?" She asked, glad to see the irritation on the man's slim face. She could feel the force he put on the blade, pushing it against her throat as she nervously swallowed down the hard lump of fear that gathered there. "You thought we wouldn't catch you, huh you little song bird? Why don't you give us another show, but instead, we don't end up with blue balls." He demanded. The way Y/N interpreted his statement was a demand in question form, meaning she had no choice. Though, her smart mouth didn't allow her to obey. "How about you go somewhere else, and fuck yourself?" She asked with a tilt of her head. Her voice was clear and sharp. In the matter of seconds, she leaned back and brought her legs up. The way he was standing over her really gave her an opening. She planted her feet right under his crotch, and then she kicked upwards as hard as she could. The male went flying, but only a few yards. There was muffled screams. "How's that for blue balls?" She asked with a cocky demeanor.  Taking her dagger, she got up to her full height and took off, shoving the distracted men out of her way. Y/N wasn't so lucky, a large buffed male grabbed her by her arms, squeezing them tightly to where she dropped her dagger. His face was covered back a scarf only half way. He had no hair, and his left eye was gorged out. Y/N tried all she could, kicking and squirming. Soon more men gathered, and her humiliation began. The large man lifted her from the ground, holding her up as the others began to cut off her clothes. Her breasts felt the cold air and her nipples almost instantly hardened. "Look at that boys! She's already enjoying this and we're just now undressing her!!" He laughed, and Y/N yelped by the time one had bit it. She shook her head, so many hands and mouths feeling her up. She couldn't take it. Something within her snapped. With the muscle she gained in her arms from training, she pulled herself up and slammed the heel of her boot into the giant man's eye, causing him to release her. Falling hard, she weary brought herself to her hands and knees. She looked for her pouch, but the men had taken it and thrown it aside. The blonde who had gotten kicked first was suddenly before her. "Ah, Y/N. Little girls like you should be on their knees like that all the time, always willing to please their masters." He said. The word master triggered something. "You know...what scum like you should be doing? Cleaning the fucking latrines." And with that, she dug her hand into the snow and picked up the dagger. With a light slice, the males organs slowly spilled from him. She stood slowly as most of them bandits stood back. She looked at them. "What are you waiting for?! Get her!!" One yelled. Y/N believed she could only escape if she ran now. She took off, completely forgetting about the frozen over lake. The men followed. She ran, and ran, knowing they were behind her and now on their horses. Ahead, she could see someone in the distance. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked puzzled. A white stallion and one of which that wore a specific armor. She looked harder, the sun's light relecting off the person's helmet. Who was that? No one around these parts had equipment that fancy.  Looking back, she wondered why they had stopped. Was it the person arriving? Over the sound of yelling, galloping, and her rigid breathing the  specific sound then broke through, and she looked down. Her heart stopped. Below her, Y/N could see the ice slowly cracking. What way should she run? She gulped hard. She took off towards the horse, but before she could even make it ten feet, the ice shattered below her and she dropped into the freezing cold water.  Slowly, her body that was squirming and thrashing, started to calm. She could no longer hold her breath as she slowly sunk down into pitch black emptiness. Before her eyes closed, she could see the hole in which she had fallen through. She smiled softly, reaching out for it. She still had that small candle of effortless hope burning within her. Just as her eyes were about to close, something warm interlocked her stiff, cold, dead fingers with their soft caring warm ones. Bright, soft yet piercing blue eyes seemed to stare into her E/C orbs.  Taking what felt like would be her last breath, the bubbles escaped from her bruised, purple lips as her S/C skin started to pale. Everything went black.

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