Short Chapter

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drifting in an empty void. that's what you felt. An empty void, floating... drifting in a dense silence. Was this sleep? Was it death? Sleeping, on the verge of death?

A voice muffled by the thick air you breathe calls out to you. The voice is unfamiliar. Distorted. But you can fish out tones. Panicked, worried, distressed. The echoes and sounds came like the ripples of constant raindrops hitting a still pond. Ripples clash and interrupt, overlap. More voices. More and more echoes. Your ears ring and soon, it all stops. The dead silence, relieving to sit in. Letting it encase you.

"Open your eyes, Y/N."

A voice crisp and clear, soft as a lamb..yet strong. Full of concern for the comrade. 

"You can do this."

"Come back to us."

"You can make it through this."

These words of encouragement seem to get louder and louder. The feeling of heavy pressure on their chest starts to be lifted. She opens her eyes, she could see. She could slowly start to taste. What was this... metallic taste and thick texture?


It started to come back to her. Y/N had been in the Band of the Hawk, fighting alongside Griffith for around six months now. This battle, one of few they have participated in, was one she fought hard to come out as one of many victors.

A small smile came to the males lips, "You almost had me worried there, Y/N." Griffith spoke as he propped her head up for her support. He looked at her, his crystal hues full of so much mixed emotions. Though, he was overjoyed that his closest comrade was okay. Casca, running to Y/N with supplies, was a bit taken back by the sight of Griffith supporting her head, his fingers sifted through Y/N's hair in a calming manner. Jealousy twisted Casca's expression into one that was sour, but she kept it out of the way of work and began to wrap Y/N's wounds. Something to hold her off until they made camp, but she was a bit rough and hostile while applying the bandages.

Griffith noticed this aswell, and almost took over before Y/N raised her hand to assure she was alright. While Griffith carried Y/N onto his armored horse, he held her to his chest when he was saddled on the stallion. As the band of the hawk began to tread on in search of a good camping ground, her and Griffith spoke.

"I'm so cold.." Y/N muttered in a shudder. Griffith, being a gentleman, took his cape and draped it around her. Her body soon halted from it's shakiness and relaxed against Griffith. Despite him being in hard armor. "You fought well, Y/N. I'm very astounded. Your abilities only seem to keep surpassing." He said and chuckled. "I'm glad you're on our side." But was she truly? What is his side? She couldn't begin to understand why this man had so much ambition, and why he wouldn't share his dream with her.

It puzzles her so much, but whence she brings it up, he changes the subject. It was honestly frustrating. His statement just repeated in her mind. Seriously. What was his side? Good or bad?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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