Chapter 4: Cute

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You woke up to the sound of birds chirping and also to a very annoying butler opening the curtains to your bedroom windows at 6 o'clock in the morning

You growned and tried to shield your eyes with the blanket but Sebastian quickly pulled them away

"Good Morning miss, time to wake up" said the butler with a smile on his face

"Sebastiannnn I don't want to" you then grabbed the sheets again and covered yourself from head to toe

Sebastian, annoyed at you not wanting to wake up, grabbed the sheets that you were wrapped in and pulled them rather roughly which sent you straight to the floor with a loud thud

"Owwww, Sebastian you prick, what was that for?"

"For you to get up off your arse and get dressed, you have thing to do"

Said the rather annoyed butler as he looked at you with a very intimidating glare

"Fineee, but now thank to you my butt hurts" you said whining

"Oh really? If you let me I can make it hurt even more" Sebastian said as he whispered to your ear and looked at you rather suggestively

Your face turned crimson red and you started to stutter

He then got out of your room, closed the door and ran as fast as he could

You then opened the door and screamed at him as you saw him run


You said as your blush was still as red as it could get


You got dressed and went to the dining hall for breakfast, you entered and the first thing you saw was the servants. They all looked at you and gave you a cheery smile

"Good Morning Miss" the said in unison

"Good Morning everyone, you guys know you don't have to call me "Miss", just call me ________" you smiled at them and sat down at the table

"Ok, _________" they said in unison again

You giggled at the trio, they had become your best friends since the day you got there, they were always nice to you and made you smile when you got upset

"Ho ho ho" said Tanaka who was sitting in a corner drinking is tea as usual

"Good Morning to you too, Tanaka" you smiled at him also

Ciel then entered the room with his usual cold expression on his face until he saw you, his face soften, he gave you a small smile and blushed

"Good Morning, ________"

"Good Morning, Ciel"

You then saw Sebastian behind him and glared at the butler but he mearily laughed at your expression which made you pout even more

You chatted with Ciel and the servants for a while

Ate your breakfast and accompanied Ciel to his Study as usual.


You sat on the corner of Ciel's desk and waited for him to speak but all you saw was a very red Ciel looking at you confused

"Miss, what are you doing"

"What? I just wanted to sit here"

"But a lady should not do that"

You smirked at him

"Well I am no ordinary lady"

He looked away, still red as can be, and spoke

"Ok then let's get back to the..."

Before Ciel could finish speaking

The door burst open and the first thing you saw was a ball of pink fabric rush towards Ciel


Said a blonde girl, with an extremely squeaky voice

Ciel got up and stopped the girl in her tracks before she could tackle him but she still embraced him in a very tight hug

"Elizabeth!!!! What are you doing here?!" Said Ciel with a confused tone

"Ciel don't call me Elizabeth call me Lizzy, and I came to visit you because I missed you soo much!

She then tighten her hug

Ciel looked like was going to faint from the lack of air he was getting from her death hug

"Elizabeth.... can't...... breath"

She quickly let go of Ciel

As he started to cough for air, she looked at you rather surprised

"Huh? Who are you!?!?!" She said pointing at you with a rather angry expression on her face

"Oh, I'm ..."

Before you could finish speaking, Ciel interrupted

"She is Miss _________ Philimina, one of my colleagues, she will be staying with us for a year as The Funtom Company and The Philimina Company work out some business"

Her expression the softened and she finally spoke to you

" Oh Hello, I'm Elizabeth Midford, but you can call me Lizzy. Your dress is soo Cute!!!!"

You laughed at her happy attitude and spoke

"Hello Lizzy, very nice to meet you and thank you, your dress is also adorable"

"Why thank you, do you want to play dress-up?, i brought some dresses that would look simply adorable on you!"

"I would love to"

Ciel looked at you shocked, most people hated for Lizzy to ask them that, and they were always obligated to, since then if you would say no she would start crying

"Then let's go"

She grabbed you hand and dragged you into another room

Well this is going to be fun!


This is not fun

Elizabeth had forced you to wear an

Extremely poofy, pink dress and made you wear a very big bow in you hair, you loved the color pink, but this was insane!!

"Kyaaa, YOU LOOK ADORABLE" said the happy blonde with her usual fangirl-ness

"Thank you, Lizzy, can I take it off now?, not that I don't love it but it kinda itches"


She then grabbed your hand and dragged you all the way to the study

"Wait Lizzy, no..."

Before you could protest you were already in the Study

Wow, this girl has inhuman strenght

Everyone looked at you but as you were about to say anything you noticed Ciel had another guest.... well, two more!

Oh no!


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