Chapter 9: Feelings

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"Ok, ___________, concentrate on the target, use your powers to hit the mark, and please do not miss it this time" Sebastian sweatdropped as he fixed the target for the 100th time today

Sebastian was training you to control your powers, he tested your skill, strenght, concentration, speed and stamina

Right now he was helping you with your fire powers, he put a target in the middle of the garden and you had to hit it without damaging anything around it, but unfortunately you had alrea0dy burned down five trees, three bushes and Ciel's favorite white roses (good thing he was in Elizabeth's manor for the day)

"Ok i'll try" you started to concentrate, thinking about the target and that alone

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath and started to form a fire ball with your hands

You suddenly opened your eyes and shouted

"FIRE LUMINA" the fire ball hit the target perfectly, you jumped for joy and Sebastian smiled at your victory

"Good work, _____________, but one question where did that spell come from?" He asked with a questoning look

"I don't know, it just came to me at the moment, pretty neat huh?" You giggled as Sebastian only chuckled lightly

"Nevertheless very good work, milady, you deserve a reward"

Your face lighted up

"Really!?!? What!?!?" You asked as you jumped around happily like a little kid

"How about some more fisical  training?" Sebastian whispered into your ear seductively as you had a dark blush spreading around your face

"W-WHAT!?" You shouted

He simply laughed and patted the top of your head

"It was a joke,_________ , how about some of your favorite sweets that i used to make for you when you were little?"

Your face lighted up again

" yeeesss!!" You then followed Sebastian to the kitchen but before you entered you turned back and went to the burned roses that were in the garden

You kneleed down beside them and kissed the burned petal of one of the roses, making then all bloom beautifully again

"There! Much better" you then went back to the manor to eat your sweets


Is was now the next day and you were walking to Ciel's study as he had told you that he wanted to speak to you about something important, you thought that he was probably going to scold you for burning the trees

You knocked on the door and waited for the usually stern come in, but instead you were gretted by Ciel opening the door as a red blush spread through his face

"P-please come i-in" he said as he went back to sit down on his desk as you just sat in your usual spot, the corner on his desk, making him blush even more

"_-______ ,t-t-there is s-something i-i-i wanted to tell you...." he started stuttering as his cheek were as red as Madame Red's hair

You leaned in closer to him to see if he was ok

"Is everything alright?" You said as you put a hand to his forehead to check and see if he had a fever, but this only made him blush even redder

"Forget it if i can't tell you then i will show you"  he grabbed your wrist and crashed his lips onto yours

You were in complete shock but you slowly melted into the sweet kiss, he then started kissing a little more passionately as he licked your bottom lip for entrance which you playfully denied, he then whispered into your ear softly

"I think i've fallen in love with you Miss ____________" at that moment Sebastian burst through the doors

" oh dear, it seems that i just interrupted something important, my apologies young master" you and Ciel were both blushing like crazy

"N-No i-its ok Sebastian i was going to my room anyway soo good bye" you then quickly ran into your room and opened the windows to let the cold night breeze hit your face

What was all that about? Why did he kiss me?  Did he really mean what he said?

A million question were flowing around your mind as you kept looking at the sky

As you were looking out the window, there was a certain group of people watching you

"Is that her?" Asked a deep male voice

"Yes, Boss said to bring her to him alive,got it shitbrains?" Asked a female voice and two more males agreed

"Be careful, they say these people ain't normal!" Said another female voice

"Neither are we, we take her in the morning, now let's go" the group of people then ran away.

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