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In the morning, Almost everyone was awake. The only exceptions being Lisa, Lily, Lana and Lola. Nobody wanted to wake them up, but they had little choice. They needed to leave the bunker and head towards a new location. They also had to stock up on weapons so they could defend themselves from the creatures. 

"Everyone...We're leaving the bunker. Once we get back to the house, pack some clothes and gather some items so we can head to Vanzilla." Rita Said. She knew that this would be hard for her younger daughters, but it has to be done. The bunker will only save them for so long and won't help them survive much. 

Everyone slowly gathered near the opening of the bunker and waited to Rita to open the bunker's opening. When Rita opened the hatch, the first thing that they noticed was the smell of iron. The next thing that they noticed was the broken back door that had pieces of rotten flesh still stick on it. The Louds, Bobby, Clyde and Ronnie Ann slowly walked inside the house and started to head upstairs. 

Lori packed some of her clothes and her cellphone. She knew that the cellphone would help her communicate with her friends and family and would be an effective tool. She took her charger as well so she can charge it, but she knew that the cellphone could only be used temporary. Sighing she thought about how she worshipped her phone and used everyday, but those days are long over. She can only use the phone for emergencies and nothing else because their was almost no point to. She slowly looked over to see that Leni packed some shirts and shorts. Leni also packed up a mini sewing kit with the clothes so she can repair their clothes for the long run. 

Luna packed her clothes and one of her guitars. She knew that the guitar could be used to calm down her family in times of stress and didn't want to play too loudly. Her mind also started thinking of Sam who is probably one of those things running around the neighborhood. She turned around when Luan touched her shoulder. 

"You Okay Luna?" Luan Asked.

"Just thinking about Sam, Luan." Luna Said.

"Don't worry. We'll probably find her out there." Luan Said. She knew that their was almost no truth in that statement since Sam could possibly be one of the infected.

"Thanks Luan." Luna Said. Luan smiled and started to head downstairs with some of her clothes and Mr. Coconuts. While Luna just stood there for a while before heading downstairs.

Lynn packed some of her clothes and took her bat with her in case of protection. Thinking back..She realized that she was a bully to her siblings and this was a chance to make it up to them especially Lincoln. She picked on him the most and even started the Bad Luck Incident a couple of months before this outbreak started. Sighing..She started to walk towards the door only looking back to see that Lucy was almost finished packing her clothes and journal along with some pencils and pens. Lynn slowly walked out the door...leaving Lucy time to get everything ready.

Lola packed up the clothes that she neglected to wear in favor of just wearing her usual outfit. She also decided not to take her tiaras since they could likely gain unwanted attention. She also had to stop being proper and clean since those things are walking the Earth. Lana packed her tool kit and her clothes, but she stopped and let her animals free.

"Listen guys...I have to let you go. My family and I along with Bobby, Clyde and Ronnie Ann are going to be traveling to a new location and I can't take all of you with me. can come just make sure that you stay silent." Lana said. Hopes jumped into Lana's front packet while the other animals gave Lana a sad look and cuddled her for the last time. They slowly started to slither away and head towards another location. 

Meanwhile Rita was helping Lily pack diapers and some of her toys. Lily really didn't understand what was going on, but she knew that it was something dangerous. She slowly looked around the room and saw Lisa back clothes and a journal. Lisa slowly sighed and looked at Lily with a sad look on her face due to the fact that she still felt responsible for this mess. She just turned away from Lily and started to walk out of the room with her head down.

Lincoln packed his clothes and took some of his comic books. He also managed to pack up Bun Bun. He slowly felt tears coming in his eyes, but stopped himself before he could cry. He had to be tough for his family and crying would only make Lisa feel even worse than she already is. He also planned to give Bun Bun to Lily in a couple of days since he felt that she needed it more.

Opening the door, Lincoln slowly started to walk out of the door. Not noticing that he was being watched by someone who just smirked at him.

Alpha, I found the perfect test subject. Now we wait for him to separated from his group to snatch him up. 

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any questions?

Bye 👋 

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