(2) Bra, unzipped jacket, fudge.

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After 3rd period, me and my buddies Jenn and Ty strutted out of the high school on our way back to the middle school, where we are regrettably still 8th grade students. Anyway....

"You guys want to see something sexy?" Jenn says with a smirk.

"Let's see it?" Ty laughs poking Jenn. I rub my temples. Oh no. I think. Jenn grabs her jacket zipper and swiftly pulls it down. Ty is laughing her head off and I turn around to see Jenn with only a bra on under her jacket, which is fully unzipped. Aww crap.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask, bewildered.

"I'm kinda hot. In more than one way!" Jenn laughs, with Ty close behind.

"Haha." I say sarcastically. "Zip your jacket up."

"No. Not yet." Jenn states, clearly not moving her position on the matter. I shake my head and look away from her.

As we get closer to the school the very happy to be seen, not, Alex M. shows up. Jenn had already got her jacket zipped just not completely.

"Zip your jacket up you little slut." Alex sneers, nodding toward Jenn.

"Why don't you watch your mouth bitch." Ty retorts. I sigh.

"Stop it, all of you." I say eyeing Alex. "Can't we all get along? Jenn zip up. Alex... get lost." Jenn reluctantly zips her jacket up, and grumbles something like- "Alex... Bitchy... Whore... Slut" I frown. We walk up the front steps and into the building. I push the door open, and we all part ways to our lockers. I gather all my things and Bing! The bell and sounded and the hustle and bustle began of rushing to class.

"Good afternoon class. Let's begin." Tick "Anyway the formula is..." Tick "Your problems are..." Tick "Get working!" BING! Relief! 4th period is over, and off to lunch.

I plopped my butt down with my school tray, and looked down at the "chicken" and frowned. They really feed us this slop? Ugh. Jenn and Ty strolled over and slid across the bench.

"Yo" I grumbled. Jenn had this nasty look on her face. I turned to her. "You okay?" She stayed a quiet then she exploded-

"I'm so mother fucking pissed!"

"Whoa... About?" I asked. She glared at me, with her perfect blue-green eyes. "Oh right. Alex. Slut." I said. I popped a popcorn chicken in my mouth as Ty spoke up.

"I just want to pound that Alex bitch to the ground for hurting my Jenn Jenn!"

"Okay... Slow down psycho. Do really want to get us all in trouble over a silly little insult." Ty glared and Jen looked every more pissed. "So, not little insult but... Just chill out okay?" Ty went back to her food. I put my head down. After a long awkward silence I looked over at the steamed Jenn. "I'm sorry, Jenn."

"Nah, it's fine." She replied, playing it cool.

"No really. I'm sorry." I started, "Management here by gives you the permission to pummel any pest you despise." I say with a funny accent. She clapped her hands together with a huge, over done, grin on her face. Ty and I laughed. Jenn looked around.

"What?" She says, acting innocently.

"You know." I say.

"Nothing." Giggles Ty.

Lunch ended and our 30minute free period started. It's funny they call it "Free Period" but you have to stay in a particular class room unless you have a good reason. As "The News" started rolling I rested back in my chair, expecting "The News" to be interrupted by the silly announcements, but no it was because of a phone call. Mr. Pole answered the phone. He responded and hung up.

"Bree and Ty." My head shot up. I looked at him. "Despairs office." My guts squished. I looked over at Ty, she didn't look too nervous. I rigidly stood up, and left the class room, closely followed by Ty. We stayed silent on our trip to the office. When we arrived we saw, Mr. Despair, and... Jenn?!

"Jenn?! What the hell happens?" Ty whispered, bewildered. I felt the same way.

"Girls! In my office." Despair says. I follow my friends in. We all sit down, uncomfortably in chairs, near Despair's desk.

"So... you three" He whipped his head around to me, Ty, and Jenn. "where all on that football field after 3rd hour?" I nodded. Jenn responded-

"Yes." Ty just grumbled "Jack-Ass"


Believe me, if we had been really called to "Despairs" office this is how it would go...

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