Chapter 7

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May 11

(Armin 12:01 pm)
The link is looking at me.

(Ymir 12:07 pm)

(Ymir 12:07 pm)

(Armin 12:07 pm)
The link that you sent me.

(Armin 12:08 pm)
It's staring at me.

(Armin 12:10 pm)
Ymir... Why did you send me this?

(Ymir 12:14 pm)
Dont make such a big deal about it Min. Just click it and stalk the shit out of him

(Ymir 12:14 pm)
You know, like every other person does

(Armin 12:15 pm)
That's an invasion of privacy. It isn't acceptable.

(Ymir 12:18 pm)
THEN dont click it

(Armin 12:21 pm)
But the link is staring at me!

(Ymir 12:21 pm)
Oh my god, youre worse than Reiner

(Armin 12:22 pm)

(Ymir 12:23 pm)
Remember those tarot cards that I sent you?

(Armin 12:26 pm)

(Ymir 12:29)
Well they were Reiners. I gave them away because he couldnt even make a decision without them

(Armin 12:29 pm)
This is different.

(Armin 12:38 pm)

(Ymir 12:40 pm)
Min, its too late. I already sent it to you. What else can i say??

(Armin 12:43 pm)
My hands are shaking.

(Ymir 12:45 pm)
Ohhh myyy goddd

(Ymir 12:45 pm)
Look, you like him right?

(Armin 12:47 pm)

(Ymir 12:49 pm)

(Armin 12:54 pm)

(Ymir 12:55 pm)
Oh Im screenshotting this

(Ymir 12:56 pm)

(Ymir 12:57 pm)
If you like him., which you do, you gotta make some kind of move. If you dont then youll forever be alone

(Armin 12:58 pm)
That's a really old meme.

(Ymir 12:59 pm)
Dont change the subject, coconut

(Armin 1:01 pm)
I can't "make a move" Ymir, we are simply... internet friends.

(Ymir 1:04 pm)
Have you been googling?

(Armin 1:06 pm)

(Ymir 1:09 pm)
Thats the beauty of the internet. You meet different kinds of people without even needing to go outside

(Ymir 1:10 pm)
Not going outside is the best part

(Armin 1:15 pm)
What does that have to do with my situation?

(Ymir 1:17 pm)
Youre smart, figure it out

(Armin 1:18 pm)

(Ymir 1:22 pm)
I am sighing so loud right now. Ask Historia, shell tell ya

(Ymir 1:23 pm)
Okay, you and Eren are """'internet friends""" but you like him and you want something more out of this

(Armin 1:24 pm)
No! I mean... I wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to lose what we have over something so silly.

(Ymir 1:26 pm)
Ughhh spare me from your high morals

(Armin 1:26 pm)
Ymir, please!

(Ymir 1:27 pm)
Thats it. I didnt want to do this but I have to

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