|1|The Announcement|

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The students of Class-1-A were on their way to UA's School Hall. Why if you may ask?

Just at the start of the day, their homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa, had instructed them to gather at the School Hall as the principal, namely Nezu, wanted to make an important announcement regarding the upcoming activity of the Hero Course students.

Upon arriving, the class saw the students of Class-1-B already gathered and waiting in the School Hall. They could only wonder; what's going on?

"Hey you guys got any idea on what's up?" Kirishima asked the 1-B students.

"Oh! You guys didn't know?!" Tetsutetsu asked.


"Bakugou, that's utterly rude and immoral of you to talk to other students like that!!"


"Anyways...." Kendo gained their attention and spoke; "The school has gathered us here to inform us about the upcoming training session. I'm actually quite surprised that you guys weren't told anything about it." Kendo replied as she was holding an already unconscious Monoma.

"... What can we say? Our homeroom teacher likes to give surprises." They all sighed.

"By the way, what kind of training is it? You guys know anything about that?" Uraraka asked.

"Well... It's actually some sort of group training that is held once in an year in the Hero Course." Awase replied.

"Oh yeah! I heard about that stuff from some seniors!! They divide you in two groups and give you objectives to complete, right?! What was it called again?" Kaminari exclaimed.

"I mostly heard about it from my brother back then he was a student here. I think he called it UA's Civil War."  Iida replied.

"Civil War? What is this a Marvel movie?" Fukidashi asked.

"I've heard about it too. In this Civil War, they divide you into two teams from both sections. One team will play as the Hero Team while the other one will be a Villain Team. The villains are given some objectives to complete while the hero team is supposed to protect those objectives and make sure that villains don't succeed." Yaoyorozu explained.

"Speaking of it; what team was your brother in, Iida?" Midoriya asked.

"He was in the Hero Team!! And he won with an amazing score!! His part wasn't big as the leader but he was the lieutenant!! I too hope to do just as good as him and make him proud of me!" Iida replied while doing his robotic gestures.

"I just hope I don't end up in the villain team..." Jirou said.

After a few moments of chattering, the students were addressed by the principal. They all stopped talking and looked at the mouse, dog, bear mystery.

"Attention please, students. You might have already guessed why you all are gathered here today!" Nezu said and all the students nodded except one...

"No. I don't. How the hell did I even get here?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice source and saw Monoma who just gained consciousness and was seen rubbing his head.

"We'll tell you later, goodnight." Class-1-B replied collectively.

"Wait. What does tha—?" Monoma was cut off, result of unconsciousness, courtesy of Kendo while everyone else just sweat-dropped.

"Ahem. Coming back to the real topic." Nezu said gaining their attention again.

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