From Juice To A More Grown - up Drink

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Magnus remembered the first time Alec had ever drunk alcohol - when Izzy had dragged him out to Pandemonium to celebrate his 18th birthday. He remembered how the same group of shadowhunters had ordered fruit juice a few years ago, until, at age 16, Izzy had honed her rebellious streak and tried out the famous cocktail drinks of Pandemonium.

He remembered the bitter look that sat on Alec's face when he realised that he would have to try wine - Izzy was not going to let him leave otherwise. Something about it being a ritual for when people turned of age. Chuckling to himself, Magnus remembered how captivating Alec's eyes had been - they had been the reason why he had begun falling for him so long ago. And on that same date, every year, as a tribute for that particular day when he had seen Alec for the first time, Magnus organised a party, with only fruit juices, like how Alec used to admire. And that was the day that Alec would be most happy with, the single party that he enjoyed. Magnus couldn't find it in himself to complain about it either - it was a gift to just see Alec happily smiling, surrounded by friends and family.

Magnus was convinced now, like he had been that day years ago, the way to Alec's heart was through juice.

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