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Welcome to Part Two of Aurora!




It's been three years since that day, and frankly, I barely remember any of it. It's all just a big blur.

“Arrabella!” I heard Slone yell and I immediately snapped to attention as I ran over to wherever she was calling me from.

See, today is her wedding day.

She chose me as her wedding planner. It was great.
Do note the sarcasm.

“I'm here Slone. What is it?” I asked her as I tried to catch my breath.

“Do I look okay? Does this dress make my belly too big? Are my wings too dark?” She asked me nervously and I smiled softly.

“You look beautiful, and so does your daughter.” I placed a hand on her growing baby bump. I looked up into Slone's eyes and saw that she was about to cry.

“Oh no, don't cry!” I exclaimed, pulling away quickly.

“I'm just s-so happy…” She blubbered as tears ran down her cheeks and a loud sob left her lips.

“Good thing that you don't need makeup.” I laughed softly and she hit my arm playfully.

“Do you think Xi'an will like how I look?” She asked me with wide, hopeful eyes.

“He'll faint from how gorgeous you are.” I smiled and she gasped, horrified.

“I don't want him to faint!” She shrieked and I stumbled over my words, trying to correct myself.

“I-I meant that he'll love how you look! Yeah!” I recovered and she relaxed, smiling.

She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a baby's cries.

“Oh my baby. It's alright Harp, mommy's here now.” Slone whispered as she lifted her one year old baby girl from her crib. “She hasn't been quiet all day. Good thing you and Acira gave me so much practice to deal with annoying babies.”

I brushed off her insult to look at my niece. “I'll make sure she's quiet. Alright?”

She looked at me with uncertainty before putting Harp into my arms. “It's time for me to go.”

“Don't worry too much.” I reassured her and she smiled softly before turning towards the door.

“Wish me luck?” She whispered and I smiled.

“You don’t need it.”


I watched Harp giggle happily as I made different kinds of flowers appear in my hands. I was strolling through the castle as I waited for Slone’s ceremony to finish. No one other than the couple and the officiator was allowed to be there. I didn’t exactly know what happened during the ceremony, seeing as it was forbidden to talk about. All I knew was that after it was over, the couple had tattoos all over their left arms that wrapped their ring finger.

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