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"That and you have 4 classes with me." He groaned

"Okay, then." I was a bit irritated because my allergies were getting the best of me. All I wanted was a normal day with out sneezing every other second.

"Hi, welcome to ASDA." A lady in a navy blue shirt and kaki pants told me.

"Hi." I spoke

As I was heading towards the Electronics........ Liam that asshole takes another opportunity to embarrass my ass again. He trips me from behind.
Time to give this asshole a taste of his own medicine.

"Hey, would you stop being such an asswipe and just try to be nice to me." I pleaded but I pretty already knew the damn answer to that question. A big fatass,NO.

"No, I'm actually quite fine love."

"Shut up. And suck my ass."

"Your disgusting." He crinkling his nose in clear disgust. And I laughed.

Then an old lady about in her 50s came up to us with a wide smile spread across her features and a bright flower hat on her head, Filled with white curls.
"Well aren't you two the cutest couple!"

"Oh we're not together. Sorry to disappoint you." Liam spoke apologetically.

"Oh. Sorry to embarrass you but you sure would make one. Well I should be going now." She left with her the flower hat bouncing on her curls.

"That was awkward. Now get away before anymore people mistake you for my boyfriend." He chuckled as he walked away, while I just rolled my eyes.

I picked up some new earphones that were black. There was a boy a few feet away from me, staring. He had curly brown hair, that framed his really attractive face, a sharp jawline, big brown eyes, and pursed cherry lips.

"Hi." He said sheepishly, because I had caught him staring over at my figure. His cheeks seemed to blush furiously,as he spoke.

"Hi, I'm Victoria."

"I'm Edward." He informed as he looked at me deeply in thought.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too."

"Well I best at be going now."

"Okay." He seemed bummed or just plainly disappointed.

I walked away looking for Liam or my dad. I got caught up in the CDs section. But started moving on to the make-up section that was half way across the store. once I had arrived, Liam like the dumbass he was was yelling out my name. People were just staring at him as if he just shit on the floor.

"Yes?" I asked trying not to laugh my ass off.

"Oh god. I thought I would have lost you." I was a bit taken back by his choice of words.

"Why?" I questioned

His cheeks flared red. And I grew a smug smile.

"Awww. Does Liam have a crush on me?" A smirk surely plastered on my face.

"I.." His eyes grew softly and he looked like a child. I immediately felt regret for teasing him.

"Liam I-" I was cut off by his voice.

"I'm going to go check on our dad."

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