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"WHERE'S MY toothbrush?" screeched Cate Easter, a small and easily excitable little girl

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"WHERE'S MY toothbrush?" screeched Cate Easter, a small and easily excitable little girl.
She ran around the bathroom, opening up messy cabinets and closets, before deciding that her toothbrush probably wasn't in the bathroom.

On her way out, Cate slammed into Iris Easter, her older 'sister', who quickly grabbed her by the shoulders as she lowered herself.
"Woah, come down there, bunny." Iris chuckled at her sister's frantic grasping and pulling at her hands.
"What's wrong?" she asked, tilting her head lightly to the left, enough for her messy curls to cover part of her eyesight.
"I can't find my toothbrush!" she exclaimed, giving up on her hands and instead shoving Iris in the chest.

"Hey!" she chastised, "You know we don't push people here, young lady." she frowned, shifting her voice to sound rougher than it was, because Iris knew it could make Cate laugh even on the toughest of days.

The voice proved to be effective rather easily, and soon enough, Iris was giggling with her.

"Now, " Iris raised an eyebrow, "What're you really upset about, bunny?" Cate scratched the back of her neck, looking at the ground, causing a wall of bright red hair to fall around her face.
"It really is the toothbrush, " Cate decided after some time, yet she still spoke as if she were unsure of herself  "but also, " she continued, after almost a minute of silence "I don't want to go to school!"

The yell had been abrupt, and suddenly, the eight year old launched herself forwards, arms hugging Iris' neck as tightly as she could, which -thank God- wasn't that tight.

"Woah!" exclaimed Iris, falling backwards before regaining her footing.
"What's up, bunny? I though you liked school?" that, indeed, was a fact. As far as Iris could remember, her younger sister adored school, it's subjects and everyone included.
She was a school wiz and extremely socially advanced, so to say that Iris was confused by the sudden change of heart would be understating it by quite a bit.

"Well, yeah, " she said, her words muffled extensively by Iris herself. "But i liked my old school, with my old friends!"


That, kinda made sense.

Up until the end of the school year, last year, Cate had been attending Irla, a public school near their house, but during summer vacation she had received a letter from Newiat, a prestigious private school, offering up to 70% off of payment in scholarship, so obviously, George -Iris' uncle and Cate's father- decided that she would be attending.

Now, Iris was dealing with the consequences.

Iris pulled back, pushing a few strands of bright red hair away from her sister's face, softly rubbing her cheek "C'mon, champ. You can do this! Do you remember what happened in your last school?"
Cate bit her lip in reply, brows furrowed to a point.
"Well, " Iris fake-punched Cate's shoulder, as softly as she could whilst still hard enough to move her "You were alone- no friends, and by the second day you were ruling like half the class with your incredible brains." Cate frowned, cheeks hitting up.

PERSPECTIVE § MICHELLE JONESWhere stories live. Discover now