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THE NEXT DAY Iris found herself wandering into the school's gym

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THE NEXT DAY Iris found herself wandering into the school's gym. Normally she would dread entering, but now she- well she still dreaded it, but it was different.

Right now she wouldn't deal with the jeering and jabbing from her peers because of her physical state, she wouldn't have to deal with the teasing- it was after school hours after all.
The redhead looked up to see a two groups of people sitting on a table each. In front of every student was a bell and in front of them -with his back to Iris- was what looked to be a teacher.

The supposed teacher was speaking, something Iris hadn't caught half off, but seemed to be a warning.
The girl stood awkwardly for half a second, fidgeting, before a force slammed into her back, causing her to stumble forwards, falling on her hands and knees.

Iris looked up to see a hand in front of her face and heard about a million apologies along with a load of curses that would cause even her uncle to blush.
Iris reluctantly took the hand- not before rubbing her hand along the pants of her jeans to wipe off her sweat- and pulled herself up.
The guy was as red as Iris' hair and was sweating as much as a pig in heat. He had brown hair that seemed to have been tried to be kept down with gel but it was parted weirdly and stuck up in odd places.
The most noticeable thing about him though, was the faint purple bruise blossoming on his jaw.

"Shit, are you ok?"

Iris nodded softly, pushing some of her hair back before taking a step back.
"Uh, yeah, no yeah, i'm- i'm fine." Iris patted at her knees to brush off the dirt before offering the boy a tight lipped smile.

He nodded breathlessly, gave a shaky smile back, before turning around.

"Late again, Parker."

The boy, Parker, winced, whilst Iris blushed, noticing all of the unwanted attention.

Taking a small step back, the redhead watched the scene unfold.
Parker had been reprimanded by a girl with curly hair that was more wavy than curly before another girl with shiny, platinum hair had spoken up "It's already 4:20, Peter- we're about ten minutes from finishing."

Iris had winced at that, Peter had let his posture fall.

"Yeah, Penis- why bother coming if you're gonna be this late? Sooner rather than later i'm gonna end up replacing you."

Peter took a small step back, before looking at the first girl who had spoken, who hesitated slightly before speaking up "I hate to do this but I have to agree with Flash, Parker. You can't keep missing classes-"

"But it was for the Stark Internship! You more than most should know I can't miss it!"

"Yeah MJ, come on! Pe-"

"I know about his Stark Internship, Ned." The girl, Mj, had grown sharp, her voice icy as she glared at the supposed Ned and Parker.
"He's still getting punished because this isn't his first time and I doubt it'll be the last. I know it's important but I can't be giving you free passes. That wouldn't be something a leader does- it'd be something a friend does."

The group stayed silent, even Flash who had been making snide remarks every now and then.

"Mj i'm so-"

"Peter, " it was the first time she had called him Peter, but atleast Iris now had a name to the face "you will not be going to the next decathlon competition and you'll have to stay extra hours studying with Flash so he's prepared to take your place and so you can retake the hours you missed. Am I clear?"

There was no question about it, even Iris could feel the importance of what had gone down.
Slowly, everyone but Peter regained their wits, the professor wincing before calling that the class ended causing everyone to gather their stuff.

The guy who had come to Peter's defense was quick, rushing to Peter's side, initiating a conversation as they both began leaving.

"I don't think I made myself clear, Peter. You'll stay here with Flash. You can find another place if you'd like, but you both need to be there alone."
Peter sighed but turned around and waited for Flash, who shoved him hard enough that Peter almost fell.

Iris almost reached out, but instead hid her hands behind her back.

Iris waited for a few seconds, as people moved around her on their way out, until 'Mj' was passing her.
"Hey, uh, Michelle? Michelle Jones?"
Iris hadn't touched the girl, hadn't even reached out- but she still stopped immediately, before slowly turning around.


"Uh, you're supposed to be my tutor? Mrs. Lesda sent me-?" The brunette's eyebrows raised for a millisecond, before nodding and continuing walking.

After a few steps, she looked back and stared at Iris pointedly "You coming?"



"So, returning to the main point-" Michelle Jones cut herself off "Are you even listening to me?"
The girl didn't sound annoyed or angry- in fact, she sounded amused.

Iris blinked rapidly, head shooting up from where it had been resting on her palm.
"What?" she asked, tucking a few curls behind her ear.
"Nothing. Just that you're gonna meet me in Manhattan's Metropolitan Artistry pop-up display tomorrow."
Iris would've spit out her milkshake if she hadn't already finished it. "What? Why?"

Michelle Jones rolled her eyes before beginning to gather her stuff "Because apparently you have no common knowledge on conversation and manners."

Iris spluttered for half a second before covering her mouth, clearly embarrassed.
Iris slowly lowered her hand, taking a few seconds to collect herself before arguing her case "I-I do pay attention! It's just that, I, I can't understand with all of these graphs and-and long paragraphs!"
Michelle Jones nodded, clearly unconvinced, before speaking up "And that's why you'll go to the Art Convention with me."

Iris sighed, before offering a hand "Can I help you with something?"

Michelle Jones set a glare upon Iris.
"Are you saying that just because i'm a poc-which stands for person of color, by the way- that I can't do the same as you?"

"Wh-What? No! I was just- I didn't mean to-" Iris was cut off by a laugh from the other girl.
"I'm just messing around, Easter- catch you later."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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