87.2 A Fate Sealed

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Happy Forever Saturday again!

Because I promised...!

Love you all guys!

Each and Everyone of you...!


"In the end we're all just chalk lines on the concrete
Drawn only to be washed away
For the time that I've been given
I am what I am"

Five Finger Death Punch, Five Finger Death Punch



Is this really an end, or am I believing a figment of imagination?

After all the loss and pain we faced, should I believe the end is near?

Should I accept, this all will conclude, all this will settle leaving us in peace?

Or perhaps, should I sit back, rest and watch my dream shatter, and evil win?

The dark sky cascading darkness toward me, as I walk through the dusty route, the wild flow of wind rushing past me wildly promising a storm, like nature itself is trying to push off the path that I have chosen. Yet the determination of mine stands unaffected, and I walk steadily indefatigably through the difficult road through the punishing wind.

The familiar lights from behind, I know are fading, and the air of security and scent of safety are fading under the pungent aura of fear and peril. Yet I walk through the fears; walk through the dark murk, promising nothing else but destruction and dread in the upcoming events.

My allies are left behind, and I seek ahead my enemy: I seek Lamia, leaving Gideon behind.

The dusty muddy taste of wind on my lips made me cringe, but the burning rage in my eyes pull me ahead.

The night is howling, the wind is screaming and my heart thunders, this is not an ordinary night.

Then suddenly I still, through dark storm, I witness a whirlwind, the strong spins of winds, along with weak particles, branches, leaves and dirt, coming closer, my way. My eyes widen as an eccentric phenomenon surprises me next, a soft and sweet gust of wind rush past me, warm and calm, opposite to the cold chilly wind spitting rage. And I shiver against it, blinking quietly as it touched me—soothe the turmoil inside me.

Then light layer of mist, I see coming out of corners, faint and light, very light almost non-existent, but then very much happening. The hair of my nape until now stuck into sweat, rose into attention as a daunting feel of alertness sweeps over me. Slowly I see mist hindering my view, and soon, in minutes the whirlwind fades, vanishing through the darkness, leaving the clouds of dirt around and leaves with eerie silence sinking through the land.

For a long minute, I stand, stupefied, as the trees soak the mist into them, leaving the clear lucid view to daunt, then my lips twitch, cringe when a very familiar wave of uneasiness comes to settle over me and I shiver in petrifaction against it.

It's close!

I realize, a feeling I came to name, whenever the evil Witch is around, this feeling saves when I'm around Gideon, but here, I'm near to Lamia and Gideon—my Gorgeous Saviour is away, this searing terror building in my chest attests this, I'm away from Gideon, and he might have no idea of my whereabouts.

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