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The Celebration of is fun [Male name] is having fun, for the first time since the 2nd year of middle school, he finally having fun again. Kagami, Wakamatsu, Takao, Hyuga, and Rico can't believe that they'll be seeing the infamous [Male name] laughing.

"[Male name]-chin, say ah~" Murasakibara who have a piece of a chicken balls try feeding the [Hair color] male, who open his mouth for Murasakibara to feed him.

[Male name] is happy, he is happy that he can be with his team. He never thought that he will ever have fun with the team again. He want this to last, he wish that this day will never end, he wants to enjoy more, he wants to have fun more with his team.

"[Male name]-kun" He heard someone called him so he turn to face the caller. "Tet-chan?" [Male name] said as he look at the male.

"Thank you" Kuroko thank the male, making the [Male name] confuse why he is thanking him. "Eh, why?"

"Because of you we won, thank you" Kuroko thank him again, making [Male name] smile. "Tet-chan, we are a team, we win because we tried our hardest, I should be the one thanking you all for making this day the happiest. Thank you for always be there for me, thank you for making me play alongside with you, I really had fun! I really wish we could play like earlier again"

The Generation of Miracle looks to him having a bad feeling as the male continue to have fun with Takao. They don't know but they feel like this will be the last time they'll see the male. They move the feeling aside and continue to have fun with the whole team.

[Male name] Notice that it was late already, he doesn't want it to end but he have to, because his teammates need to rest, they had have a long day after all, standing up the rest look at him. "It's already late why don't we end this now?" He said to them, wishing that they'll refuse and stay with him for a while and of course he's the one who said to end the day.

"You are right, we should go" Aomine said picking up his stuff and wait for Momoi to pick her stuff before they go. They all say good bye to [Male name] who wave back to them and say goodbye.

[Male Name] he sigh as he look up and see how beautiful the night sky is, before asking why did they left him alone again. He doesn't want to be alone, he don't want to. He shouldn't blame them for leaving him on his own, because he is the one who said to end the day. Sighing again, he need to find a where he will sleep in, He's not going to go home because he knew his parents will be home. He can't just call the guys since they already left.

He already misses their smiles, their laugh, he wish he see them and hear them for the last time but he knew his wish will never be granted like his wish to be accepted.


sorry for taking so long for the update, I edited some of the chapters and add some. I also change the name of [male name]'s biological father from Yuki to Saijou and I also name his mother to Miyuki and his step father to Kaede. 

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