Chapter 9 - Rings

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Gareth's POV

"Gareth what do I do? They want me to have a fire with them, but I barely know them." She asked me, freaking out.

I place my hand on her small biceps, "Amber calm down! Take someone with you, maybe?" I asked hopping to make her feel better. She has been trembling since we walked to the car. With her brothers asking her to come out to a fire it only made her worse. She was pacing up and down the sidewalk. Neymar walked to a near by café to get her a coffee and something to eat, so she would calm down a bit and take her mind off it for a few minutes at least.

"Yeah I should. But who? You? Neymar? Hell maybe I should take Cris, he knows them after all. Gareth I really need help here. You've met them before, what are they like? Are they going to try and kill me?!"

"Amber, I wouldn't have let you meet them if they seemed like they wanted to kill you. Your mother is the nicest person I've ever met; your father is a great guy, but he's a bit of a drinker. This explains why you like to drink the way you do! Your older brother- he, I have spent the most time with. He is like me in many ways; he has told me that if you go to live with them - he will do as I do. He will watch over you and make sure you're alright. Your younger brother I have spent little time with. So I can't tell you much about him." I had her hands in mine while I was playing with the rings on her fingers. I had gotten her each one.

On her right hand she had a gold and sliver snake covering two thirds of her index finger. She had a thick silver ring that had small silver lines, making it look like a crooked chess board with holes.

On her left hand was my favourite ring. She had a gold eagle spreading it's wings. It covered a good chunk of her finger. The reason this was my favourite was because she had it placed on her middle finger. She could an would literally flip me the bird. My sister was a funny girl, she could make any one laugh.

I was always happy that she wore these rings almost everyday. This was kinda our thing, she had gotten me a ring that I never take off; unless I'm training it on the pitch for a match. It had a gold band, with the top of the ring raised to make a rectangle type shape. In this rectangle are four triangles, two white and two black. The white triangles are across from one another and same with the black, so only the tips of these triangles touch.

I don't know how many rings we have bought for one another. When we get home that is the first thing we are doing.

"So you don't know much about my younger brother. What if they try to kill me, or rape me?! What if they think it's fine to leave people stranded in the middle of a place they have no clue how to navigate?!" She began to panic which was not ideal. I brought her into a hug and tried my hardest to calm her down.

"Do you remember what mom used to sing us?" I asked. I felt a soft nod come from her small frame. "Want me to sing it?" I asked her hoping the song would calm her.

"Oh god no! No one wants you to sing Gareth." She said with a slight laugh.

"Am I really that bad?"

"You killed my cat the one time remember?" She asked

"That damn cat was old and sick, my beautiful singing voice could never kill a cat. So Miss you are wrong," I tease and take proud stance and place my hands on my hips. "Tell you what. I'll ask Pélé if you can bring some friends. The you can bring the three of us. How's that?"

"Damn I got one great brother!" She exclaims.

"Hey lovely" I hear Neymar say lowly in Amber's ear. This I when I get all protective. I know that he has done nothing huge to hurt her, but the inner big brother in me doesn't want to give him another chance to do that.

A low warning growl like sound escapes my lips. This sends of a vibe that I am glad the guy gets, as his arms drop and he backs off.

"Sorry I forgot. No touchy, feely, lovey dovey. Listen I have a game to get to, I'll see you after." He places a small kiss on her lips and slowly backs away. Good thing we brought two cars. I get the feeling that I scare him. And that's good.

I'm back and ready to attack my writing. I'm going to start writing more often and with more passion.

This chapter took me a long time to write because for a long time I wasn't happy with it. Sorry guys. I changed it so many times.

I want to try something and I don't know if it's fair but I'm going to say 5 votes and 10 comments for an early update. The day I'm going to update is... Friday December 19th

Thank you guys soooo much. Madrid Life now has over 2k reads and I know that May not seem like a lot to some people but I is to me. I never thought that I would come this far and I never thought that I would have this many people reading. So thank you

Amanda xo

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