Chapter 2: Where am I?

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~Vega's PoV~

I woke up in a forest, and I couldn't find my partner Rigel and the others of the guild. So i started calling and searching for them. But i just remembered that being a dragon slayer I can find them thanks to my sharp sense of smell.


I can smell Rigel but I just can't smell the others.

Where am I?

A minute later i found Rigel and i was calling for her.

"Ugh... Vega... where are the others?" She asked me tiredly.

"They are not here. We probably aren't in Fiore anymore" I replied to her with a sad tone.

"Ugh" I said before fainting.

Rigel's POV

"Vega?" I called my friend worried.

I checked her pulse and she was fine. Thank goodness, she was only fainted.

I later saw a man with silver gravity defying hair going in this direction, I called for him and he came this way.

"Hey, sorry for bothering you but can you tell us where are we?" I asked politely.

"What? A talking cat?" He said surprised.

"Whops" I thought. "Well, yes... I'm a talking cat but can you please tell me where are we?" I asked again.

"You don't know where you are? Well, you are in Konoha or hidden leaf village in the land of fire" he simply replied. "Also I see that you need help, I'll be glad if you follow me to the Hokage tower" he continued.

"Ho-hokage?" I asked confused.

"Yes, the Hokage is the leader of our village" he explained.

"I will carry her though" I said.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Kakashi Hatake" Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

"My name is Rigel and she is Vega" I replied to him with a soft smile.

I trusted him for whatever reason, my senses told me he was a good guy.

"Okay if you say so" he gave me another smile under his mask.

So I wrapped my tail on Vega's waist and flew following Kakashi to this Hokage's tower and he seemed surprised that I can actually fly. In the middle of walking or flying in my case Vega woke up asking me where was she and I explained all.

~Time skip/Vega's POV~

We were at the Hokage's tower, and as Rigel explained to me and I thought we were in another dimension compared to Fairy Tail.


There were Kakashi, an old man with a red and white cap with a symbol on it, also known as hokage and a man with a scar on his nose.

"So child, what's your name and where are you from?" The old man asked me smiling.

"My name is Vega and she is my companion Rigel, we come from the Fairy Tail guild in Magnolia" I replied.

"Hmm, I never heard of those places before" he replied honestly.

Yup, we are definitely in another dimension... Aww what now?

I also explained that we were mages and we used an energy source called magic and he explained that here there were ninjas and chakra that worked in a very similar way to magic.

Ninjas, wow, Natsu would be really happy if he was here.

"I have an offer for you, while we find a way to get you back home, you can be a ninja, is it okay for you, child?" The Hokage said with a warm smile.

"Hai! I will, hokage-sama!" I replied.

"So you will start ninja academy from tomorrow, Kakashi i want them to live by you until they find a home to stay and I want you to teach them how to use chakra and jutsus, and you Iruka I want them to join the academy from tomorrow" he explained while Kakashi and Iruka nodded.

"Wow I'll start the academy and learn chakra usage! Thanks hokage-sama!" I thanked the hokage.

"You will be using magic only in case of emergency, alright child? I don't want other ninjas going after you for your powers" He explained smiling at me.

"Alright, thanks hokage-sama!" I thanked again bowing.

~Time skip~

After talking to the hokage, Kakashi managed to transport us to his home somehow.

So cool!

We were outside, with some trees.

"Alright Vega, i want you to learn using chakra too" he said patting me on my head.


"As first I will teach you a basic jutsu, its called clone jutsu" he said doing some handsigns and a clone of him poofed next to him.

Me and Rigel were amazed and made a surprised look at Kakashi.

"You have to do the following signs, ram, serpent and tiger" he said showing me the handsigns slowly.

"Alright! Try with me Rigel!" I said slowly doing the signs.

It was harder than it looked.

"Aye!" Rigel replied to me starting doing the signs.

"Alright i did it!" I said managing to do the handsigns but no clone appeared.

I also felt my source of magic coming out instead of chakra.


It took me a few tries to actually manage to use chakra and a clone of me poofed next to me, while Rigel managed to do it too.

"Wow" me and my clone said in unison.

"Aye!" Rigel and her clone chirped in unison too.

I felt really like a pro... hehe.

"Alright you two, for today we finish the lesson, tomorrow after the academy i will evaluate your chakra type and teach you some jutsus based on it" he explained to us.

After this, we entered in his house, he made dinner I ate quickly before doing a quick shower and going to bed.


Hey there, It's me, UpriseDragon! Thanks for reading this chapter (and the one before) don't forget to vote and follow if you'd like, i would really appreciate it! Don't forget to tell me where there are errors so i can correct them too! Said this we will see in the next chapter, cheers,


Published the 21/08/2019

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