I Come, I Went, and I am Going

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I come from a place that left ms scars.
A place that had left my vision blurred by the dark mist of self-loathing and bittersweet fruits of Eden.
A place where my mother's love wasn't enough to satiate the approval of others.
I come from a place where I missed opportunities to grow and shine

I went to a place where the eyes that watched me were filled with caring intentions.
A place where the eyes that watched were caring enough to pry my hands from my own eyes.
A place where I had hands willing to pull me up while I was curled into myself
A place that nurtured and loved by telling me how to avoid the heart ache and the thousand natural shocks the flesh is heir to.
I went to a place where I could find my voice and sort through the many dreams I placed before myself.
I went to a place where I was taught that I can have my cake and eat it when I have been properly prepared for its consumption.

I am now going to a place that gives me a platform for my passions.
I am going to a place where I can give voices to the voiceless
I am going to a place where I can shine hope on those that are now where I come from.
I am going to make my own Eden where I no longer have bitter fruits to force down.
A new Eden for the broken and self damned.
I come from despair, I went to a high place, and I am going to be the statue of liberation.

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