Chapter 3

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Sleepwalking? My dumb ass is gonna say something stupid. Aside from a bad sleep, I also snuck out last night. That's probably why I didn't sleep well. I only got a few hours, and apparently I decided to take a fucking stroll meanwhile. Long story short, there are only 3 names left until I get my final name. Longer story short, Neymar won't be happy if he finds out.

I say if like he won't.

According to Dad, he's back in London this morning with Ben. Dad is angry I'm doing my own thing, Ben is angry I killed his brother. There are so many other people who would like to get their hands on me, it's kinda funny.

I wait for Neymar to leave and lock the door behind him. I change from my old clothes into new clothes, granted they are Neymar's. I don a long sleeved shirt, the sleeves actually go past my hands, and a pair of jeans which are a little big on me. I finally go downstairs and sit on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. It's cold this morning.

3 names I have left. 3 more people I have to kill. I really shouldn't have gone out last night, I'm exhausted, but I need that last name. I'll kill myself before Ben gets to do it at this rate.

"We can go out for breakfast, if you want," Neymar says, though he's talking more to Violet than me.

"Sounds good," Violet replies with a smile.

I don't say anything, but I'll go. I probably won't eat much, but I'd rather stick around them if Dad really is back in London.


Jack seems tired still. He must not have slept well, last night. He's wearing Neymar's clothes, they're too big. If I recall correctly, Neymar's clothes used to be too small. He's lost weight, and slouches more, making him seem even shorter. God only knows what he's been through, Moriarty is the worst kind of monster. Jack never deserved any of this, and sure as hell not from his own father. I suppose I can sort-of relate to that, but not to the same extent.

We're at the café Neymar and him used to go to all the time. Neymar is more talkative than usual, and I talk with him, but I can't help noticing Jack.

I'm sure Neymar and Sherlock noticed Jack's thinness, and how he never talks anymore unless you drag him into the conversation. I want more than anything to let him talk about it. I want more than anything for him to get it out, so he doesn't have to bear it alone.

Maybe with enough time, we can start to break down those walls he's built.

We finally reach the café and Neymar opens the door for us. Jack immediately heads for a specific table, and I catch Neymar's happy smile. I've never been here, and Neymar never came without Jack, so it's been a long time since either of them have been here. Even still, the routine never died.

Neymar sits next to him, and I sit on the other side. Shortly enough, a woman comes to our table with a huge smile on her face.

"I haven't seen you boys in here in such a long time! I'm so happy to see you guys again," the woman says.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Jack says with a smile, though I know him well enough to see it's not real.

"The usual?" She asks, pulling her pen and paper out of her apron.

"You still remember?" Neymar asks, shocked.

"Of course I do, you two are my favorite couple!"

"Then yeah, please," Jack says, still wearing that fake smile.

"And you, sweetie?"

I give her my order and she walks off, I guess seeing Jack and Neymar has made her day. Jack stops smiling once the woman is gone, "Why bother smiling if you aren't happy to see her?" I ask.

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