Chapter 15

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~I woke up the next day, not remembering very well what happened yesterday. I looked next to me, where the mattress was and I saw Dylan sleeping and then Louis on the couch. At first, I was confused, but then I remembered the car ride with Dylan. I can't remember why I was so mean to him; he is a nice guy. Oh, I remember, he made me look stupid and dumb on a live stream in front of many people. What I didn't even realize was that I was staring at Dylan sleeping, while I was thinking of what he did. But what I didn't know is that he woke up and saw me staring at him. ~

DYLAN: Y/n, why are you staring at me?

Y/N: It's none of your business.

DYLAN: Mmm...ok sorry I asked!

*Dylan turns around to face the other side and continues sleeping*

~Why does he even talk to me. Urgh... I turned around to face the wall and try to sleep again because it was 7:25 am, but I couldn't. When I was almost asleep, I had to go to the bathroom. I stood up and walked not trying to fall on top of Dylan and trying not to wake up Louis and went to the bathroom. I did my business and then I walked back to Dylan's room. I walked over to Dylan's bed and sat down in it, I took my phone and checked my notifications. I had 3 texts from Annie, 1 from Lauren and 10 from Johnny. I quickly responded to their messages. After checking Instagram and everything, someone knocked on the door. I walked over to open it.~

*Y/n opens the door to reveal Dylan's mom*

MRS.KINGWELL: Good morning Y/n! Is Dylan awake yet?

Y/N: No, not yet!

MRS.KINGWELL: How come you are awake so early?

Y/N: Well... I was the one that slept more of them all!

MRS.KINGWELL: True, would you like some breakfast?

Y/N: Sure, thanks.

MRS.KINGWELL: Let's go downstairs, and you can meet Adysson.

Y/N: Adysson?

MRS.KINGWELL: Dylan's younger sister.

Y/N: Oh, ok!

*Y/n and Mrs.Kingwell walk downstairs to the kitchen*

Y/N: Good morning!

*Y/n walks over to Adysson and sits next to her*

MRS.KINGWELL: Would you like some cereal, toast or something else?

Y/N: I'll have some cereal thank you!

ADYSSON: Well, Y/n tell me something about you.

Y/N: Like what?

ADYSSON: I don't know, like what do you like to do in your free time?

Y/N: Well, I like to hang out with friends, or go for a walk with music or just watch Netflix, what about you!

ADYSSON: Same! *laughing* What's your favorite show?

Y/N: I really like Teen Wolf or Anne with an e, obviously besides A series of unfortunate events.

ADYSSON: Me too! *laughing*

*Y/n and Adysson kept talking for about 30 more minutes and they were also having breakfast*

MRS.KINGWELL: How about you to go for a walk and Adysson you show Y/n around.

ADYSSON: Omg yessss!!!

Y/N: Ok, let's go.

*They both walked upstairs to get ready*

~I was excited to go on a walk with Adysson, she is really nice, nicer than Dylan. Well, I'm trying to get some clothes without waking up Louis or Dylan. I make my way to my suitcase and take some clothes and my toiletry bag. I made my way to the bathroom without waking up anybody. I got dressed into:~

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