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Kudzai sits in the passenger seat, Zee watching him curiously as he hums a song to himself. Tully lies down on the back seat, trying to get some rest. The sun's out, it's the middle of the day, but, still, the town seems eerily empty.

"By the way," Tully says, the anxiety this town gives her disturbing her rest, "where is everyone?"

Kudzai laughs. "Oh, forgive me. Today's only the most magnificent event in Hope's entire calendar - the annual Pumpkin Pageant." He stirs with excitement. "It's held in the town hall. Air's filtered of course. Can't have everyone going crazy on such an auspicious occasion."

Zee and Tully turn to each other, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Pumpkin...Pageant?" Tully asks.

"Yes, dear. The most exciting, most wonderful thing! Every year, we hold a contest to see who can grow the plumpest, most delicious pumpkin. It's my husband and I's favourite..." At this, he falls into silence. His smile leaves his face for the first time and, through the corner of her eye, Zee glimpses the all-too-familiar pain that pervades every heart they've come across, including their own.

"Excuse me," he says, "I just get emotional when I think of last year's Pageant. The most beautiful pumpkin... We spent months growing it and only for those damn Huang's to steal the prize from under our noses. I insist they're using hormones of some sort but no-one will listen to me. But I'm the Sheriff. I'll get to the bottom of it. I'll..." He catches himself and, clearing his throat, gives an embarrassed laugh. "Forgive me, it's a small town. There's not much else to do.'

Tully lets out a chuckle, prompting Kudzai to do the same. Soon they're both chortling away, unable to stop. Zee stares at them both, somewhat comforted by the sound of laughter but also unable to shake the feeling that something is terribly strange about this town. It's been so long since anyone's been kind to them, let alone strangers. In times like this, assuming the best of people could get you killed. Knowing this too well, Zee remains suspicious...

The sooner they get out of here, the better.

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