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"Just sit us behind that neat truck over there."

Zee pulls up behind the truck, the wagon's engine humming itself to sleep.

Parked along the sidewalk, they stare out into an old and dreary house. Its pointed roof seems to be falling apart, the wooden tiles broken in parts and places. The house itself is rather tall, being twice the height of the other houses along the street. It looms above the rest of the neighbourhood, an old and menacing figure.

"Ah," Kudzai says, "here we are. Not the most beautiful house on the block - Rodney's never been good with keeping up appearance. But you can trust him to take care of you and your daughter."

They get out of the car, Zee and Tully immediately noticing the sudden shift in the atmosphere. Things feel inexplicably strange and they can't help but think that this house, whose dreary presence seems to grow more palpable with each passing moment, is responsible for the stirring of their senses. Through one of the windows, Tully thinks she noticed someone but, in the blink of an eye, whoever might've been there is gone. Still, neither her nor Zee can shake the feeling that someone or something is watching them. Could it be that this house is more aware of them than they are of it? As they continue to gaze into its dark and harrowed fame, it's almost as if it gazes back.


They jump, startled by the sudden shout. A woman slams the door of her house, storming towards them from across the street. She's dressed in a morning gown and slippers, clearly not having a productive day.

"Kudzai," she says, her small irate figure now upon them, "it's been too long!" Eyeing Zee and Tully, she grabs Kudzai's arm, pulling him to the side and rather redundantly says for them to hear, "Rodney promised me I could come back soon. It's been too long!"

"Enough!" he whispers angrily, shaking off her grip. "Now's not the time. Can't you see we have guests?"

The woman once again eyes the two, her arms folded and her foot tapping impatiently. She forces a smile which seems so unnatural on her unfriendly face, a scowl more at home.

"Nice to meet you," she says. "He's quite shy at first but Rodney really does love his guests. Hope you have a splendid time." Giving Kudzai a brief and ugly stare, she walks off, her head constantly turning back to the old and mysterious house.

"Please don't take that to heart," Kudzai says. "Her business with Rodney is her own. You'll find that the rest of the townspeople are much more pleasant." At this his eyes widen slightly as he stares at the ground, clearly having reminded himself of something. He's quiet for some considerable time before returning to reality with a short and sudden gasp.

"Anyway," he says, "I need to speak to Rodney for a minute before I can let you in. Like Agnis said, he's rather shy. I'll be back soon to collect you."

"Well, okay, I guess," Zee says.

"I understand the strangeness of all this. Especially considering this unsightly house." He laughs and, to her annoyance, taps Zee's shoulder. "But, please, meet Rodney. Come to the Pageant. You'll see that there's nothing to be concerned about."

As they stare into his eyes, they feel a certain calm spread over them. He's sincere enough and seems to want to be done with this house as much as they do. Worst case scenario, Zee has to pull out the blade she has hidden in her boot.

But hopefully, things never come to that.

"Okay," Tully says. Surprised at herself, Zee doesn't feel compelled to object.

Kudzai gives them a smile and walks off. Reaching the front door, he pauses for a moment, as if hesitating, and then knocks. It's a few minutes before the door opens slightly, whoever's behind it making sure they aren't seen. The door opens just a bit more and Kudzai is forced to squeeze into the space, the door quickly closing behind him.

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