The sun was shining. I was running through a field of flowers. The flowers and grass tickling my bare feet as I run through the meadow. The laughter of everyone around me makes me smile. My parents are sitting on a plaid blanket laughing and talking. Kayla was there. And so was Jay. It was all so surreal. The laughter continues as we giggle and make jokes.


My body shot up. My eyes wide. Then I hear it. My mother yelling at my father. My father yelling back. The usual 2AM fights. I lye back down and squeeze my eyes shut. But tonight was different. Something was keeping me up. Since I had nothing better to I started listening to the fight.

"She's a disgrace"My father shouted

"She is not she is our daughter. We are supposed to love her" My mother screamed. Jee thanks mom.

"How can we. She shuts us out. Acts like we don't exist" He yelled.

"We're just supposed to"

Instead of crying in a corner I walked to my dresser. I haven't cried since I was 7. I'm 16 now. When I got to my dresser I grabbed my duffel bag that was on the floor in front of it. I unzipped and threw all of my clothes in. I grabbed my phone and charger, I grabbed my coat and I was headed towards the window.

I opened it and got a whiff of the crisp November air. I looked out and for a moment I was starting to contemplate it. Then remembered what my parents said. I got to the roof and jumped. I had done this before so I was good at the jumping part. I grabbed my bags and ran. I don't know where I was running but it was far away from here.

I ran for a few minutes before running out of breath. I'm so ashamed of myself. I used to be so fit. Don't get me wrong I'm skinny-mostly because I don't eat- but I couldn't run as long as I used to.

I've changed so much in the past few months. Its like my whole world crashed around me all at once. All in a matter of two weeks.

As I walked I found myself in front of an old abandoned house I used to play in. It was my secret hide out. I spent a lot of time in it during those two weeks. No one knows I come here.

I took the key out from under the old, dirty welcome mat. It was a rickety old faded blue house with a broken fence, and from the outside it looks creepy... to other people at least. When I look at it I see home, no judgement and peace.

I walked up the stairs up to "my room". It was a dark room with an old mattress on the floor. I had brought blankets a few days ago in case I had to come here. Its the beginning of winter but it still gets very cold.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the lamp. Since there is no electricity it ran on batteries. I grabbed my brush and ran it through my naturally brown hair with dyed purple ends. I changed a lot since they died. I got a lip piercing a lot on my ears and a nose ring. 

I'm glad I can share stuff with you. Your my new best friend. If its ok with you. I haven't had any in a while. Well that's all for today I'm going to sleep.

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