Chapter 1

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     Sometimes I hear voices in my head. Urgent whispers, a bit hard to understand. Wake up, they say. Open your eyes. I don't know why I hear them, or what they mean. They are just in my imagination. I always try to reasure myself, but then they get louder. You must wake up, open your eyes, get out of bed. No. I will not listen to the part of my brain that has gone insane. I will remain asleep. Why do you fight? Morning has come, you have to wake up.

     My mind forms a dream. I see a beautiful dragon in flight. I stare in awe. I have a longing to fly, up there with its passenger, a girl with long brown hair down to her waist. The dragon ignores her presence, and acts as if she isn't there. It swirls left and right, flies upside down, but the girl is still there, enjoying herself. I wish I was not stuck on the ground, but high above, carefree. I try to speak to her, but my voice doesn't work. Sadly, she is too high up to hear me, even if I could talk.

     I wake with a start. I breathe heavily and look at the clock. It's noon. I would've done best listening to my little voices. I get dressed and eat breakfast/lunch. Summer time: when I am at home and do nothing but stare at the wall. Maybe if Jasper shows up I'll at least have something to do.

     Jasper is, well, weird. He's badly crippled, so he limps and he can't run like I usually do. When he's excited, he makes strange bleating noises like a goat. I don't like him very much. Somehow he knows where I live. That's not creepy.

     I get on my bike and decide to go for a ride. After I go around the block, there is a man in a hood standing in the middle of the road. I do not recognize him. I have no choice but to stop.

     "Excuse me, sir," I say politely. I turn my bike to the side, and prepare to keep going but the man steps in my way. He takes a step closer to me and in that instant, I know something is terribly, terribly wrong. Fear creeps inside me. Under his hood, the man has only one eye.

     I drop my bike and bolt the other direction. I hear the man yelling; he is running after me. Adrenaline is rushing through my brain. I must be hallucinating. There is no way I am being chased by a cyclops.

     Hide, my little voices whisper and scream at the same time. They don't have to tell me twice. But where? I have never been so glad that I am a fast runner, because here I am, running for my life.

     The cyclops is yelling at me but I don't understand what he's saying. When I turn the corner, I find myself in an alleyway. There are garbage cans and the cyclops starts throwing them at me. Now I am really scared. There is nowhere to hide.zza

     I keep running, because at this point there is nothing else to do. I don't think I'll live out of this. I need a plan. Unfortunately, I'm not good at making plans. Every day I just wing it. That won't help in my case.

     After another mile or so, I collapse to the ground because I'm too exuasted, and there is no point in running anymore. He screams some more, and then something hard hits my head violently. I black out.

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