Chapter 3: An Akuma

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He sat there moping, wishing he knew that the cat he was growing a bond for was chat noir before it was harshly revealed to him. Holding onto the spoon that lingers in the almost empty bowl, he swirled the bottom. Mushing the rest of the cake down into one chunk. Letting out a deep sigh as he picked it up, wishing he could keep people from going through the same experience.

He just wants to help.

"Such anger and sadness, Perfect prey for my akuma." A strange man who used others negative emotions to his advantage said, in a dark room filled with white butterflys. releasing a dark butterfly known as an Akuma that went through the teens bedroom window, flying up to the sad boy who moped over an almost empty bowl. The akuma entered the spoon, the teen stood up tears stopped streaming down his face as a ring formed around his eyes and a purple glowing butterfly showed up.

"Fortuneteller, I am hawkmoth. I will grant you the power to change others future, nobody deserves to be led to the way you were. all I ask for is one thing in return is, Ladybug an Chat Noir's miraculous." The strange man's voice rang through the teens head. Indentifying it's self as the boys outfit and the spoon transformed.

Fortuneteller nods is head in agreement, "I will try my best, hawkmoth." His clothes became poofy, his shirt cuffs flared out as necklaces hung from his neck and chains fell from his pokets. The spoon stood as a long staff, silver and blues mixed together and a small akuma chain attached on the topand tarot cards floated around his hands.

He jumped out his bedroom window, not caring if his useless paperclip of a father was awake and started causing chaos and missery. Everyone scattered once people were shot with tarot cards that caused them to stop moving, turn to those innocent bystader untouched by the cards and grabed them by their arms. Holding them captive till the Akumatised villan could hit them with tarot cards. Some minionized civilians would quote a terrible moment from their life and fall to their knees crying.

Ladybug and Chat noir landed on a bulding not to close, so that they could observe. "Any idea who that is chatnoir?" Ladybug asked, mind going through all the people that lived in paris, as the Akumatized boy was yelling at the not yet minionzed people asking where Chat noir is.

Chat noir felt his heart sink. He knew who it was. "(Y/n)." Chat said sadly under his breath, ladybug gave him a weird look.


"A boy I know." A boy he loves.

Ladybug turned from chat noir to see fortune teller getting angry at the innocent when they didn't respond, throwing tarot cards at them.

"What ever happened." Lady bug said pglancing over to her friend, seeing the sunken look in his forest green eyes she let out a soft sigh. "You can tell me later." She stood up, "right now we need to de-evilize him." She swung her yoyo, swinging herself into the battle.

"Ladybug." Fortune teller's gravely voice welcomed her. He helled up a tarot card, "would you like to re-write your future?" He asked throwing a tarot card in wich she blocked with her spinning yoyo.

"I kind of like the mysteries of not knowing what's going to happen." Ladybug said flipping over a card. "So I'll pass."

Chat noir fell next to ladybug, his eyes darkened when he looked at the fortune teller. All he wanted to do was save him. "I'm sorry, (y/n). would you like to talk it over?" The fortune teller fumed.

"I won't accept your apology." He yelled pointing at him with the staff that chat instantly reconized. "And for I am no longer (y/n), you're to call me fortuneteller." He shot multiple tarot cards at the hero's in wich the blocked or dodgedout of the way, each tarot card exploding upon contact with an inhuman onject. chat noir strugled in every way for he hasn't visited the hospital to get his wound properly checked on yet. They jumped away as fortuneteller summoned more cards.

Chat noirs mind went to where the akuma could be. (Y/n) didnt have any neclaces or chains when chat last saw him he went to first thing he saw that looked familiar. "The akuma is in the staff." Chat noir informed ladybug. Who nodded, not questioning how he knew that it was the staff and not one of the tarot cards that was being used as a weapon or a neklace drapped on his neck.

Fortune teller ordered his minnions to fight the hero's, in wich they obliged. They tried grabbing their arms, pulling at their hair. But to no avail, if you want something done right. You have to do it yourself.

The Akumatized teen walked towoards the group moving the minnions out of his way. "Chat noir." He hissed. "I can't believe you."

Chat noir tried to hold back the look of disapointment. "I was only trying to protect you." He cried out.

Fortuneteller scoffed. "I can see right through you. You wanted to take advantage of me, just like my father." Fortuneteller grabbed onto chat noir who struggled under his grip, feeling weak, feeling like gloop in his grip.

Ladybug watched from her spot, trying to think of a way she could get the spoon while chat had him distracted. Luckily for her, the fortuneteller started using his hand holding the spoon staff to talk, setting it down as he shook chat noir, yelling at the poor cat as all he could do was sit there looking miserable.

"Come on you feisty feline." Fortune teller mused. "Tell me the real reason why you lied to me." He demanded almost begging for chat to respond.

Ladybug used her luck charm. Holding the new object in her hand, she looked at it. A glads cup. She smashed threw it towoards the side shattering it, while fortune teller was distracted she grabbed his spoon and broke it in half. Releasing the akuma.
She caught the akuma with her yoyo. Releasing it back into the world after de-evilsing it. Picking up a shard of glass that wasn't completely destroyed she thew it into the world fixing all of the explosions in buildings and turning every minion back to normal.

Fortuneteller went back to normal. Dropping chat noir and falling to his knees. Ladybug held out her fist ready for chat noir to bump it but there never was the enthusiastic bump. Her eyes lingered on the teen, kneeling down.

" where am i?" The teen ask fear evident on their face.

"The middle of Paris, france." Chat noir informed the terrified boy who's face sunk even more.

The teen shot up from their spot on the floor. "I need to get home." His voice wavered as he tried to walk, almost falling over.

Chat noir caught the terrified boy. "Why such a hurry?" Chat asked steadying him. The teens wide eyes widened more.

"If I don't get home, my dad will find out i left and that would end up as travisty." Chat not knowing what would happen, didn't want to risk anything happening to his prince. He picked up the boy who squirmed in the hero's grip.

Chat rushed towoards the teens house. Dropping him off at the balcony. "Before I go in, chat." The boy started. "I have a question."

"Shoot." Chat encouraged him to ask.

"Why did you come over for the past 3 years?"

"You seemed lonely. You barely ever leave this house, and I thought you would have liked a friend." Chat responded nervously, lying.

The teen sighed. "You're right." Chat perked up looking at the teen. "You have no idea how lonely I am."

He opened, and entered back into his room throught the window. Leaving chat noir alone on the balcony, contemplating what (y/n) said.

"I visited you because i loved you."


{Sneaky Cat} Chat Noir X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now