Chapter 5: Fresh Air and New people

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(Y/n) held onto the railing of the staircase. He looked outside of his apartment in terror and shock. He hasn't seen such beautiful sights in a while.

He took a deep breath and stepped out.

Step after step he was outside.

Once his body entered to outside he was flooded with a lot of emotions happiness, fear, and longing. As if hugging his small frame. (Y/n) wrapped his arms around his body, sighing in contempt as he took cautious steps forwards as if the ground below him would shake and crumble.

As if it were a nightmare hidden by the magic of a dream.

He watched the busy streets of Paris, the people hurriedly headed to their next destination, and tourists taking pictures along with everyday goers that just tabbed away on their phones.

(Y/n) took in a deep breath. A big smile plastered on his face as he took big happy steps towards nowhere in general.

He passed by people who asked if he was new around Paris, he shook his head saying no. He didn't mind their confused glances as he happily marched forwards, looking at everything as if he has never seen it before. He got confused as a tourist.

Reaching a small park with a fountain in the middle he sat down on a bench and looked around, enjoying the spft trickle of the fountain and the fresh smell of the lush green blades of grass that reminded him of Chat Noir. Shining like his bright green eyes.

There was a horde of girls, and a few boys. Surrounding a specific spot in the park, clearly curious. (Y/n) stood up and decided to check it out, why not figure out what people do outside?

So he built up the curouge and made his way to the big crowd.

(Y/n) stood just at the back of the crowd trying to see. But as he heard more squealing he decided to get closer.

He made his way through and there stood a blonde boy, he was awkwardly taking to the girls around him. He looked uncomfortable when a girl started feeling his arms.

Without thinking the boy shouted. "Would you like a stranger feeling you up like that?" All the girls turned towards him, the blonde seemed releaved for a second until he noticed who it was. His eyes widened, as if he reconised (y/n) the sad longing look in his eyes said so.

The girl that was stroking the blonde's arm suddenly started hugging his arm. "He doesn't mind." She mused. "Right?" She leaned closer to the blonde, who in turn tried to inch away. Clearly hating the situation.

"Thats enough." A tall scary woman showed up, the blonde look releaved, as if all the stress in his body vanished when the girl let go of his arm. "It's time for Adrien to go."

What an eventful day. The teen thought as he walked away from the dispersing croud. "Hey wait." Even though he didn't know if it was him that was being called to he still turned to the direction of the voice. The blonde he saved, he was nervously scratching his arm that the girl was clinging onto mere moments ago. "Thank you, you know." He paused looking up into (y/n) (e/c) eyes. "For trying to help."

His eyes widened. Somebody was thanking him? He was so used to doing something without getting anything in return, his face flush from embrassment. He nodded shyly and scrambled away.

"God, that was awkward" rubbing a hand over face, he still smiled. "I never knew paris was this exciting!" He cheered to himself.

___ ___

He wandered around the park, he stopped finding a bush of red roses. He crouched down and picked one, he held the flower gently in his hands and smiled. (Y/n) hadnt smelt flowers since he was 4, when he would hang out with his mom. Sing songs and eat full meals without the fear of being yelled at.

(M/n) used to sing alot. Her voice was like music to his ears. (Y/n) didnt understand why she never persued a music career.

His smile faltered. (Y/n)'s mother, she was amazing. The way she would come up with ways to stop her precious son from crying. Cheering him on by the sidelines of his pee-wee soccer games that didn't even matter.

The teens grip on the flower tightened. "Woah, dude. Calm down there." A voice said from besides him. "If you get too upset-" He got closer and whispered. "You would get a akumatized."

Clearly not wanting to experience that again he nodded slowly at the stranger. Who smiled and held out his hand. "Names Nino." He introduced, (y/n) took his hand in turn and shook it lightly, he tried to take in his whole outfit. Mainly just the key things, like the headphones that hung around his neck and the glasses downed upon his nose.

"(Y/n)" He informed the swaggish teen

Nino's smile widened. "You're the dude who turned into fortune teller." He said loudly, catching a girls attention. "That was so rad!" He cheered as attention girl snuck up from behind (y/n).

"I don't think it was that cool." (Y/n) shrugged. "It was honestly terrifyi-"

"YOU'RE THE FORTUNE TELLER?" An upbeat voice sounded from right behind the poor teen making him almost collapse. Nino caught him, smiling as he helped him steady.

"Yeah?" (Y/n)'s voice shook.

The girl reached into her pocket and pulled out a small object that fit in her hand perfectly. "Would you mind doing an interview?" The poor boy was too confused to awnser.

"Come on Alya." Nino butted it, saving the poor soul. "You scared him half to death, just look at him." He pointed to (y/n)'s wobbly form. "You turned him into a wet noodle." Alya chuckled making her was back to the boy.

She held onto his arms, trying to steady him. "Hey, I'm sorry." She apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you, i just got excited." She rubbed her hands together.

Nervously (y/n) rubbed his cold fingers and chuckled awkwardly. "It's alright." His voice came out soft. "You didn't mean too."

Her faltering smile suddenly brightened even more. "I'm glad you're alright." She beamed.

A bell rung through the air, disturbing the peace in the park. Nino and Alya gave looks of distress and ran off, not without wishing (y/n) a farewell and a nice day.

He watched as the couple rushed towoards the school. "What an odd bunch." He smiled to himself, they ran and one they were out of sight, the boy turned back to the flower he didn' know he dropped during the mess of meeting the two. He picked up the poor flower, he rubbed his hand through the petals letting out a soft sigh.

"That poor flower." An older man spoke. (Y/n) looked up from the flower starteled, his eyes fell upon an old Asian man in a Hawaiian shirt.

"Yeah." (Y/n) said looking back down at it.

"Did you know that if you nurtured it, you have a chance of giving it a better life." (This is a lie. It's only for the story, I know nothing about flowers.)

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. How did this man know what he was thinking about, he eyed the older man suspiciously. The Asian man only chuckled.

"Why not give it a try and find me when you do." He walked off, making his way to a park bench and sat down, eyeing birds as they fluttered around him.

(Y/n) stood up, maybe he will just try to help the flower. Who knows if the man told him a lie.

(1305 words)

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