Chapter 4: Call Call Call

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(Edited) (trigger warning)🚧🚨

He was risking everything. Every time he got hit, or cut. He knew he deserved it. Like it was his fault his mother is gone.

Another hit, another bruse.

Another bruse, another realization.

Nobody should be trusted, nobody should hold his heart. Ever.

(Y/n) sat on his bedroom floor. Praying not to drip any blood onto the light brown hardwood floor. He rested his leg onto the a rag, reaching for his heavy med kit.

He opened the heavy med kit, attending to his self inflicted wounds sitting legs straight out as he tried to clean a a cut on his ankle. Grunting as he bent his leg giving him more acess to it.

Ripping open a new alcohol wipe, the foul smell entering the room. As soon qs the rubbing alcohal touched his ancle he let out a soft whimper, gritting his teeth, he kept rubbing the wound. trying to clean it the best he could, he grabbed a band-aid, glad that the wound wasn't like his others.

The teen closed the med kit and sat up, pushing himself off the floor. He opened is window, leaving his room and sitting on the balcony.

His legs hit with the cold wind, for the pant legs were rolled up. Leaned back into the uncomfterable seat out there and stretched out his brused arms.

Chat landed softly next to him.

'The liar' A voice hissed at the back of (y/n)'s head.

The teen looked up at the black clad hero and grunted softly.

"Hello my prince." Chat crouched down into a sitting position on the floor, folding his legs and looking into the dark night.

(Y/n) ignored the flirty remark, pulling down his pant legs before chat could bring something up. "How are you chat?"

The cat frowned. "Not well." He looked up at the other boy, who's eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. Chat leaned his head on his knee. "The akuma attack today was harder than usual." Chat lowered his head. "At least I still have time to visit you."

(Y/n) nodded, fiddling with the bottom of his pant legs. 'Why does he keep visiting me?'

"I thought you had those rolled up?" Chat asked, causing the teen to flinch.

"No they were not." (Y/n) added quickly.

Chat only grew more concerned.

"Are you okay?" Chat reached out to touch him. Pausing as the boy flinched even more trying to hide in the worn down seat. Chat took this as a signal, stood up, and entered his room.

The teen peaked through the window to see chat looking at the med kit. His eyes seemed to dim as he leaned down, wiping something on the floor with his gloved hands. Lifting the substance up to his face.

Chat's face went even darker, his body froze and atred right at his fingers.

(Y/n) shrunk back into his seat, he must have spotted some blood. He flinched when chat joined him back out on the balcony, demanding in to do something.

"Roll up your pant legs."


"Don't make me roll them up myself."

The teen looked away, signaling that he wasn't going to do it.

Chat pushed the boy back by his shoulder with one hand. Pulling up the boys pant leg who yelled in protest as he tried to shake out from under him. The pant leg moved up revealing bruses and cuts. Including his freshly covered wound, Chat's face darkened even more. Storming back into his room yet again, when (y/n) heard his door click open he knew what he was doing.

{Sneaky Cat} Chat Noir X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now