3. not that bad

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i woke up and i was in my own bed. i wasn't alone though.

"bitch why you in my bed?" i said to Drena

"bitch stop yelling, my fucking head hurt" she said

"mine too. i had a weird ass dream" i said "it was about glock, he took me to his house"

"oh girl that wasn't a dream"

"fuck you mean" i sat up

"yo drunk ass was doing too much i guess, he took back to his hotel then i ubered to you then he brought us here" she explained

"wow what the fuck" i said "where's Lex"

"girl, Izzy came to the club and she ended up leaving with him."

Izzy was Lex's ex boyfriend. they have a back and forth situation.

"you gone keep ignoring him?" Drena asked


"bitch at least tell him thank you" she said

"fine" i said

i went to my DM's and clicked on me and Glock's conversation.

thank you, you ain't even
have to do allat last night💚

i put my phone on my nightstand and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

once i was done with that i crawled back in bed.

"that henn dawg really get to you" Drena said

"tell me about it" i replied

my phone vibrated, it was a notification from instagram.

😂 yea you was sum else
last night.

wtf is that suppose to mean

i leave tn meet me at my
telly and i'll tell you

wow what do you want from
me fr

why i gotta want sum? 😂

cause you a nigga duh. you
already got the pussy i
really dk what more you
could possibly want.

man link

you blow me. send the shit

"girl" i said

"what happened" Drena asked

"i really must've been in my bag last night cause Glock won't tell me what i did unless i meet him at his hotel right now" i said

she laughed "ooowee bitch you probably was tryna get some dick"

"i really hope not"

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