20. moving funny

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i woke up to a continuous banging at my door. i looked to the side seeing glock wasn't next to me. i carefully got out of bed considering the night i had before.

"i'm coming" i yelled annoyed

i swung the door open revealing lex.

i straight faced her "you know damn well than to be banging on my door like that." i moved aside letting her in "when u land? what time is it"

"shut up because you was supposed to pick us up from the airport" she groaned going to my kitchen

"my bad damn, i over slept" i stretched "where is izzy anyway?"

"he went to the studio with glock"

i furrowed my brows confused

lex rolled her eyes, "he picked us up from the airport"

"aw how sweet of him" i said sarcastically

i walked back to my bedroom grabbing my phone. i looked the my notifications and checked my social media's as i do every morning. going to the bathroom i took care of my hygiene freshening up.

"so did you decide what you're gonna do?" lex asked

"yea ima just work the shift, i mean how bad can it be. plus i'm already knowing ima make a good amount of money" i shrugged

"well i hope you write up yo will" she stuffed her face with chips

"girl i wish glock would get mad, he knew what the fuck i did before i met him!"

"yea you say that now" she waved me off

"i can't believe you're pregnant" i chuckled

"girl i can already tell this baby finna stress me out and put hella weight on me, i can't stop eating.." she rolled her eyes "you'd think i'd be puking and throwing up all the time"

"well enjoy it while u can"

"enough of the sad shit, time to feed me so where we going to eat

i snorted a laugh "girl"

"oh my goodness, i've miss this food so much" lex talked with a mouth full

i shook my head, this heffa act like she haven't ate in days.

"damn do izzy feed you?" i asked

"hush" she waved me off continuing to eat her food

I looked over at my phone which was lit up from an incoming message.


pull up to the stu


cause i said so damn. why u always
gotta question me just do as
daddy say

boy if u don't gtfo

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