13. bitch what

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"bitch i am so damn tired, why the fuck that plane have so much turbulence" i spoke holding my head

"who you telling.. that bad ass kid kept kicking my seat" Lex mugged

"Drena said she's already at the bnb" i said

Lex bit her lip, "i do not wanna stay with her ass"

"why have you been acting so weird towards her lately?"

"you knew i been not liking her like that" she rolled her eyes "only tolerated her because of your ass"

"we'll play nice" i warned

"i'm sad i won't be able to go with y'all" she pouted

"bitch why?" i furrowed my brows "you have a great opportunity"

she shrugged

my phone dinged signaling i had a message.

"cmon it's the uber" i said

"cmon it's the uber" i said•••

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"you look so cute" Lex cooed

"thanks" i smiled widely "i'm proud of you bitch"

"i'm nervous as hell"

"don't be. you know what you're capable of and you know you the shit at what you do!" i said

"period" she rolled neck

i grabbed my phone and bag. i made sure once more that i looked presentable.

"alright, we'll meet back here" i said heading for the door

"bet" lex said

i walked out to the uber that was waiting for me. i hated riding in ubers alone. as soon as i got in the driver would not stop fucking talking.

"so are you from out here?" the driver asked

"no" i said

"oh what's your name?" he asked looking back at me "i'm Evan"

i looked out the window, "no offense Evan, but i ain't really in the talking mood"

"oh oh, i'm sorry" he said continuing to drive

he turned up the radio bobbing his head along to the song and tapping on the steering wheel as if he was playing a drum.

i scrolled on my insta feed before i was interrupted by him again.

"you're very pretty" he said looking back at me

"thanks" i gave a fake smile

"a pretty girl like you must have a boyfriend" he took a sharp left turn


i went to my phone checking to see how much time we had left cause at this point i feel kidnapped.

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