chapter 4

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"Ariana!" I hear from behind me. I groan as I recognize that Australian accent. "Hey!" He huffs out of breath, as he catches up to me.

"I'm late to class," I lie and speed up.

"We have ten minutes still," Jai laughs. "So what happened with Josie yesterday? What was her emergency?"

"Just girl stuff," I say, barely loud enough for him to hear me.

"Are you okay?" He takes a step closer to me and gives me a concerning look. I quickly turn my head from his beautiful brown eyes.

"Yeah, perfect!" I say way to enthusiastically. I don't even know what I was thinking. He's probably had girls that are way prettier than I am falling all over him. I'm just dull.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jai questions me.

"I have to go," I mutter.

"Tell me what's wrong. What did I do now?" He says in almost an arrogant manner.

"I don't know, Jai. Maybe ask the girl you were making out with after school yesterday," I shake my head and walk away.

"Ariana! Wait!" He yells after me but I ignore him and continue to walk. He grabs my arm and I turn around to face him. "Look, that's just how I am... I'm a player and a fuck up and I don't know, I thought we were just friends," He quiets his voice.

I look down. "Sorry, I thought maybe we were a little more, but I guess I got the wrong impression,"

"No wait, I didn't think you liked me like that so I didn't think you would care," He shrugs.

"I do care, but only because I do like you, I like you a lot Jai. And I know we just met, but I can't help it... I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about you. I don't know, I just have never felt this way about anyone before," I barely manage to get the words out.

"I like you too Ariana. I just know you're too good for me," He looks in my eyes and takes a step in.

"That's not true. We can take things slow. We don't have to have any labels right now, we're just hanging out and seeing where this goes,"

"You're amazing," He leans in.

"Got to go to class!" I laugh and pull away before our lips meet. I smirk at Jai and then run off the AP Chem.

"Ari," Josie smiles as I walk in the dreaded class and motions for me to sit next to her.

"Ok. I need advice," I sigh.

"What's up?" She raises her brows.

"So yesterday, Jai texted me to meet him at his locker after school so when I got to his locker he was making out with some random girl and then today he apologized and told me he didn't think I liked him and then I told him I did and now were kinda taking things slow but I'm scared he's going to hurt me. What should I do?"

"I think you should go for it! You like him, Ariana I can tell. And I also can tell that he likes you. So, have fun and if you get hurt then life goes on and that's what I'm here for, to be your best friend and help you get past it," She advices me.

"You are absolutely the best friend I could ever ask for. Love you Jos," I squeal.


I glance at the clock. 1 more minute until lunch. I close my eyes and a few seconds later the bell immediately wakes me up. I head to the cafeteria and spot my friends at our usual table. I quickly walk over to join them and grab my lunch out of my bag. I greet them. "So guys what's new? I feel like we haven't talked in forever,"

"Because we haven't!" Erin laughs.

"Let's have a girls night soon. I miss you all," Josie says.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Ariana would you do the honor of accompanying me this Friday on a date?" Jai requests as he walks up to our table.

"Of course! What shall I wear?" I ask as I blush.

"Well you look amazing in anything, but I will be taking you somewhere nice for our first date," Jai smiles.

"Sounds perfect," I smile.

"I'll let you guys get back to it then, see ya," Jai winks at me and strolls back to his table.

"Someone's getting lucky this weekend," Casey teases and the other girls immediately burst into laughter.

"Shut up," I smile. "You guys are coming over Friday straight after school to help me get ready,"

"Of course! Ah Ariana I'm so happy for you," Josie says and pulls me into a hug.


After school I head out to my car, but before I get it I hear someone yell from behind me.

"Hey, Pippi Longstocking,"

I roll my eyes and turn around to see Zoe Myers standing behind me with her arms crossed. "Look, I don't know who you think you are, but sweetie Jai will never like you. Yeah sure he may be acting like it right now, but I'm sure it's only a game to him to see if he can get in 'the good girl's' pants. Don't waste your time, just stay away from him, he's mine," She spits.

"And what makes him yours?" I gulp and wait for her answer.

"Well, considering what we've done already and more than once," she smiles deviously, "I think you know the answer.

I feel tears start to appear in my eye and I try my best to hold them in. "Your lying," I say through my teeth.

"Ask him," She laughs. "By the way, he's amazing in bed, but it's not like you would need to know," She walks away and I get in to my car and take a deep breath. He isn't my boyfriend, he can do what he wants. God, why does this hurt so bad? I'm not going to let this ruin our date.


Finally, it's Friday and I'm beyond excited for my date with Jai tonight, he's been nothing but sweet to me this whole week.

The day flies bye and Jai tells me he's picking me up at 7. I drive the girls and I back to my house so they can help me get ready.

"Ok, Ariana let's find you the perfect outfit," Casey says.

We search through my closet in hopes of the perfect dress. And finally, we spot it. A dress I bought a few months ago, but never wore. (pictured above) I put on the short cream colored dress and found some nude heels to go with it. The girls curl my hair while I put on my makeup.

I hear the doorbell ring at 7:03. "Shit, Jos will you get it?" I beg.

"Of course!" Josie smiles.

I finish putting on my lipstick and put on my lucky bracelet and head downstairs.

"Wow. You look... amazing," Jai looks speechless.

I blush as he hands me roses. "Thank you Jai," I smile. He looks so hot in his button up shirt.

"Are you ready?" Jai asks me.

"Josie, will you put these roses in a vase?" I ask her. Josie nods and I turn my attention towards Jai. "Ready,"

I will try my best to update every single day for you guys, since I'm getting such positive feedback! If there is anything you would like me to improve on, please let me know! Spread the word about this if you enjoy it!

xoxo, Sienna

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