>Chapter 9<

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I wake up to complete darkness, but then I realise that my eyes are still closed. I try to open them, but I can't and that's when I realise that there's something on my face, covering my eyes.

I reach my hand over my face to check what it is and almost scream at the feeling of a hand.


I'm about to freak out, but then I notice that the hand is actually shielding my eyes from the bright sunlight.

I hold the hand and gently bring it off of my face before turning to my left and freezing in shock.

The sight. Oh! What a sight to wake up to. No, I'm not talking about the sight of the city looking so small from this cliff or the sight of the sky looking so beautiful. Nope.

I'm talking about this beautiful man sleeping next to me, so peacefully. He looks so soft and innocent that if I didn't know who Louis Tomlinson really was, I would never believe this small, hedgehog looking, pretty boy could ever be harmful.

I remember everything that happened last night and blush at the memory of kissing Louis. When I realise his hand is still in mine, I smile and intertwine out fingers and Wow! It's the best feeling in the world.

Well... You wouldn't know so pft!

His hand is so freaking small compared to mine, it makes me wonder how he actually holds a whole damn gun in such smol hands.

I look up at his face and it's so close to mine that I can count his lashes and notice the little sprinkle of freckles on his nose and cheeks that I didn't know existed.

"Do you realise how creepy it is to stare at a sleeping man while holding his hand?" Comes Louis' voice, diverting my attention to this thin, pink lips. "I'm not complaining though, just curious if you realise the level of creepiness." He chuckles lightly with his eyes still shut and I jerk my hand back, trying to move away but he holds onto my hips, stopping my movements.

"Careful, love! Or you'll fall real hard." He says, grinning sleepily.


I get out of Louis' grip and sit up straight before looking around to realise I'm on the roof of a car. And why do I not remember climbing up here?

"Maybe because you were too drunk?" Louis asks, sitting up and stretching, reminding me of a cat.

What? Did I say that out loud?

"Yes actually." He snickers.


"No, we didn't. I just brought you here from the club and we just sat here and talked about the beautiful city lights, the beautiful stars, the beautiful sky and the beautiful you. We didn't do anything except for kissing. You're totally pure and clean." He says and I let out a sigh of relief. "For now." He adds, getting down of the roof and I choke on the damn sigh of relief I was releasing.

He laughs at my reaction and puts on his shoes that were on the ground.

"Don't you have a rule like 'never spend more than one night with the same person'?" I ask, rubbing my eyes to get rid of any dirt.

He come over to my side of the car and placing his hand on the back of my neck, he pulls me lower to connect our lips. I go wide eyed for a second, but then shut them tight and kiss him back. He pulls away with a smile before speaking.

"Yes. I do have that rule for ordinary hook ups." He says, breaking my heart.

He walks to the driver's side and unlocks the car. "And Harry?" He looks up to me. "You're anything but ordinary." He grins, plastering a bandaid to my broken heart. "So are you gonna come down or will I have to drive with you on the roof?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks when I widen my eyes.

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