Part 19

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We were sooo shock. Eyes wide open plus mouth wide open that it nearly touch the ground. He he joking but we were so shock.

Jaein: You better be careful, boy. I am scared but it's ok.

Then we heard the door bell rings.

Jisoo: Oh I will open the door.

She went out of the kitchen and we were sitting next to each other awkwardly. Then I break the ice.

Jaein: So, what will we do today?

Taehyung: Today,we will just rest

Jaein: Ok.


Then we go there to see some guy who was sitting beside Aunty.

Jisoo: Ohhh Jaein, this is ur uncle. His name is Jin. Yah introduce yourself. Don't just sit there like a statue or mannequin.

Jin: Ok. Annyeonghaseyo, Jeoneun Jin imnida. I am ur uncle Jaein. So nice to meet you. I am happy tho.

I was shock cuz my uncle is a

Jaein: Hi uncle, it's finally nice to see u. And you are handsome.

Jin: Ha ha I know it. I am Mr. Worldwide handsome and beside me is Mrs. Worldwide Beautiful.

Jisoo: Enough with ur drama, drama king.

Jin: Ohhh he is handsome Jaein. Is he ur boyfriend?

Jaein: Not----

Taehyung: Yet. I am Taehyung and nice to meet u, Uncle Jin.

Jin: Ohhh he is a nice boy, Jaein. U got a nice taste, girl.

I was blushing so hard that I go and hug Aunty. Then they laugh at me.

Jisoo: *laugh* Ok enough.

Jin: Ok before we go to the kitchen, how does NASA organise a party?


Jin: I know everything bout u but just answer my question.

Me and Taehyung shake our head but we saw that Jisoo Aunty was sighing.

Jin: Because they planet *windshield laugh*

Then we all started laughing. I laugh so hard that I fell down on the floor and Taehyung beside me shaking from laughter and Jisoo Aunty just slap Uncle Jin head.

Jaein: Thats a good one, Uncle. Do it more.

Jin: Ok, how do the cats call the cat king?

Jaehyung: How?

Jin: Your Meow-Jasty.

Then we started laughing again.

Jisoo: *laugh* Ok now let's stop. *sniff* *sniff* Whats that smell?

We started sniffing and Aunty eyes just got widen.

Jisoo: OUR BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We run there and saw all of our food in black color.

Jin: Wow, what a sight to see in the first thing in the morning, Darling.

Jisoo: He he sorry.

Jin: It's ok *then he hug her*

Then they stare at each other and nearly kissing but

Jaein: Sorry to cut the scene but I AM SSSOOOOOOO FUCKING HUNGRY RIGHT NOW. IF I DON'T GET ANY FOOD, I WILL KILL U ALL AND I WILL COOK IT AND EAT IT. *eyes turning red + yellow*

Taehyung: *hug her from the back and rest his head in her neck and whisper* It's ok. Nothing will happen *kiss her neck*

I was sooo shock and I started getting angry that I turned around and slap him so hard that he fall to the ground and fainted. I used my running power and go to the room and sleep.

Jisoo P. O. V
Oh my goodness. WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEN? She just slap him and he fainted? Ummmm interesting.

Jisoo: Honey, let me carry him to his room.

Jin: Ok darling.

We go to his room and let him on the bed and we go to the kitchen to make breakfast quickly cuz we hate seeing Jaein mad.

After an hour, we finished cooking and this is the food we cook

(Author: It look so freaking delicious *mouth watering*Jisoo: Wipe your saliva and I finished giving her food, I will cook for u

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(Author: It look so freaking delicious *mouth watering*
Jisoo: Wipe your saliva and I finished giving her food, I will cook for u.
Author: Ok Jisoo unnie and I want Jin hyung to make me a Frappuccino coffee.
Jin: Yah why are u not calling me ?
Author: Cuz Jungkook oppa not like it.
Jungkook: Thanks sweetheart.
Author: Your welcome but it's not the main reason. It's just it made me feel uncomfortable so I prefer calling boys Hyung. Sorry everybody if u don't like it.
Jungkook: So what will u call me? Oppa right?
Author: I prefer calling u Coconut hair.
Jungkook: YAHHH-----
Jinsoo: And they live happily ever after.)

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