❦ Prologue ❦

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I have not known a world outside the Kingdom of Kregon, let alone the deep forest side of Greenthorn. The small world I do have, consists of mostly people in the same predicament as me and those who place that predicament. Forgive me, we are taught not to have an outlook of negativity when it concerns the hierarchy of people like me.

Foreigners and travelers might see our Kingdom as one of peace and mercy where all species live together. That might have been true hundreds of years ago, but the new age has rallied against species who lack the magic running through their veins.


The new Elvish king sits on the golden throne of Kregon, stowed away in his castle. The king keeps to himself in his castle. One could say he too does not know of a world beyond his stone walls. Unlike the rest of us he does not need to leave his fortress to instill fear amongst his townsfolk. As any king would, he has people doing his bidding for him. A type of servitude that lasts an eternity as far as I have heard. Those were the beloved wolves, or better known as the kingdom's Protectors.

The humans, however, have another name for such beasts.

Slaves of the night.

While the elves were seen as royalty because of the abundance of magic that flow through their souls and veins, the wolves have another sort of magic. A magic that binds them to another shape. A connection that allows them to see the world in another perspective. If I was not so frightened of such beasts, I would be amazed at the world we live in.

Tucked away from many prying eyes, deep within the forest that covers most of our heavily guarded castle is where we live. The fatherless of Kregon, the orphans of Greenthorn. To many people of Kregon, we are unworthy to live amongst such species unless we are to be the very slaves they groom. Greenthorn Orphanage is not a place of prosperity or homeliness where children without parents can learn to thrive and live in harmony. Consider it to be more of fortress that keeps human children away from magic beings. I for one cannot complain about my situation as I have not known any else. However, some children are brought in from the other side of Wraecan. They come in kicking and screaming, demanding to be sent back to their parents. They are taught immediately what happens to those who oppose the superior. Make no mistake, these are not little lessons that you are taught but rather something darker that never leaves your mind. Which is why I have never, not once stepped out of line. I know my place and I know where I belong. I may not believe in it but in order to survive this harsh world that we live in, I will do the best I can until I can escape it.

We each follow a strict regime of following commands and doing our daily chores around the castle. Fortunately, they allow us to have small breaks between the chores where I grasp at the chance to explore the forest beyond the walls, I am confined in. The library that we are provided with is useless to most of the children here they do not speak Latin but rather a broken form of new age English. I forced myself to learn bits of the language as much as I could which benefited me the small power of knowledge. The only bit of power one could have in my situation without anyone knowing. There was where I read about wolves and their striking abilities as magic beings and the powerful elves who were, as they put it; born for greatness. I also learned about various other species in our kingdom. Orcs, Vampires, Faes and other creatures that I have not yet learned the Latin word for. In my entire life, I have only encountered Elvurs and the here and there wolf. Elvurs are not the same as the royal elves but rather underlings. Elves that lacked the substantial magic but still have enough that calls a higher position than us mere humans. They run the orphanage in a tight vice, cruel and inhumane creatures.

The strange thing about Greenthorn Orphanage is not the purpose of keeping children but rather what comes after. They call it the "picking age". The picking age is described as the ripe age of seventeen summers where children are sent to the capital of Kregon. Never to be seen again and most definitely never to hear any news regarding the ripe ones. I, on the other hand may follow the law but I also know I will not wait around to find out why they call them the ripe ones. I have planned my escape for many months now, waiting for the opportune time as my seventeen summer is almost near.

My plan is about to change as the Elven king has requested his royal Guardsmen to West Wraecan for a purpose I have yet to figure out. There are strange things happening in our guarded castle. Secrets are about to spill, and could possibility change the Kingdom of Kregon as we know it. My life is about the change drastically, call it phantom magic but I can feel in it my mere human bones.

Before he came to Greenthorn my life was simple, I knew what I had to do but now there is more at stake than just my freedom.

And his name was Matvei.

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