Just Do It

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   I now saw Derek almost every day. He would visit with his grandma, then sit with me until my shift was over. More often than not, Norma would have to kick us out of her house with a simple "it's getting late boys!" and Derek would walk me out to my car, claiming he wants to make sure I'm okay. Not that he has anything to worry about, this neighborhood is probably safer than the sheriff's station.

      Today was one of those days when Derek came to visit, so I was preparing my cookies that he loves so dearly. As the kitchen got quiet, I heard loud whispering between Derek and his Nana. Normally I can hear their conversations (I'm not eavesdropping...... it passes time), but this one sounded like every word came out in a harsh whisper.

      "Derek!" Norma loudly whispered. "I can't stand to see you pine. It's pathetic."

     "It is not pathetic! And I'm not pining!" He returned in the same volume. "Who knows if he even likes me back."

     My eyes went wide, and my knees almost collapsed. Derek Hale likes me.

     "I do! The boy turns red when he sees you!"

     Do I really? I need to stop doing that.

    "It's hot in the kitchen! That's from him being hot!"

     Yeah.... that's totally it.

    Norma scoffed. "I keep my house at a very nice temperature thank you very much."

      I chuckled, and jumped as the timer dinged, knocking me out of my trance. I quickly took the cookies out of the oven, and prepared the plate, mentally readying myself for walking out there.

      I opened the kitchen door, and all the whispering stopped. The only thing between the two was the death glare Norma was giving her grandson. "Do it." She mouthed.

     "Cookies!" I announced.

     Derek had three in his hand before the plate even touched the table, shoving one into his mouth with a moan. "You are a saint."

     I laughed. "That's the first time I've ever gotten that."

    Norma chuckled, and grabbed a cookie. "Thank you Stiles."

     "No problem at all." I stepped back. "Anything else I can get you?" Norma looked at Derek, who was currently on his fifth cookie. Derek looked at the two of us, and smiled.

      "No Stiles that should be it." I nodded, and started to turn around to head back into the kitchen.


     I turned around, and looked at Derek. "Yes?"

     He put his cookie down, something I never thought I'd see him do. He looked nervously from his grandma to me, and shot me a nervous smile and laugh. "The cookies are great." He blurted out. I could see him mentally cursing himself, and laughed. "Thank you."

     I started back towards the kitchen. "No wait Stiles!"

     I turned back around again. "Yes Derek?" I said with a chuckle.

      "What are you doing after your shift ends tonight?"

      I shrugged. "Nothing really, why?"

    This was it. "Well, um," he started. "I was wondering, if maybe, and you don't have to! Totally understand if you don't. I will understand! Not hold anything against you, ever. Not that I could though because-"

      "Derek!" I interrupted. "Spit it out."

    "Do you want to maybe go get take out and hang out at my place?" He said, all in one breath.

     I chuckled. "Yes Derek I would."

    His eyes lit up. "Really?" I nodded. "Okay, um, I'll just stay until your shift is over and you can follow me home. Or I can come back. Although that's kind of pointless because your shift ends in less than an hour, but I can. And I can drive back to my place if you don't want to drive. I mean you wouldn't have a car so I would just have to drop you here. Or-"

      "Derek for the love of God Boy!" Norma interrupted.

     I chuckled. "I'll follow you."


     Norma giggled. "You can start cleaning up the kitchen Stiles, I don't think we will need anything else."

     "Yes ma'am." I headed back towards the kitchen, a blush appearing on my cheeks. Once I got through the door, I pulled my phone from my back pocket, and started typing furiously.

     To: Scotty

    I put my phone in my back pocket, and stood for a second, replaying the moments in my head. Oh my God he asked me out.

      From: Scotty
         Who's throat do I need to rip out?

   To: Scotty
        Derek Hale asked me out.

   To: Scotty
       I think?

   I grabbed the spray bottle and rag, beginning my normal cleanup regimen. My phone buzzed four times, and I ignored it until the fifth.

    From: Scotty
       DEREK HALE?!

  From: Scotty

   From: Scotty

    From: Scotty

    From: Scotty

    I almost choked on air.

     To: Scotty

    To: Scotty
      We are just getting takeout and then going to his place to watch movies. I don't even know if it's a date!

    From: Scotty
      What movie? Fifty Shades ;)

    I rolled my eyes.

     To: Scotty
      I regret telling you. I have to finish my shift I'll text you when I get home.

     From: Scotty
       Okay! Have fun! MAKE HIM WORK FOR IT!

    I sighed, and put my phone in my pocket. What if this really wasn't a date? But would he have been that nervous to ask me if we were just hanging out as friends? And we definitely had a moment that other day in the kitchen-

     "Hey." Derek opened the kitchen door. "You ready?"

     I nodded, putting my things away before grabbing my keys and following him out the door.

Props To The Chef (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now