Gay Crisis #1

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Okay Stiles, it's just one super hot, rich, sweet, chiseled from stone man. God he's hot. I wonder if he's gay. He's probably not even gay. I hope he is. I want those biceps wrapped around me like a Christmas bow. God and his-


I popped my head out of the kitchen. "Yes ma'am?"

Norma and Derek were sat around a little coffee table. "Can you make some tea?"

"Nana please," Derek went to get up. "I'll do it."

"Sir," I smiled. "I got it. It's my job."

He smirked at me. "Thanks."

"Oh and Stiles?"

I popped my head back out. "Yes?"

"It's Derek." He winked at me, and I sucked in a small breath before nodding and returning into the kitchen. I leaned onto the wall, and sighed.

"I'm screwed."

The tea was ready in two minutes, along with a little bowl of sugar with a small spoon. I poured the tea into two cups, and positioned it all in my hands.

"I don't know Nana," Derek said as I walked out. "I just don't think I'm ready."

I placed the tea in front of him. "Thanks Stiles."

Norma sighed. "You'll know when you're ready."

I placed Norma's tea in front of her, and the sugar down on the table. "Need anything?"

"This cookie recipe." Derek took a bite before letting out a moan that almost made me collapse. "They're amazing. If they teach you this in culinary school, everyone should go."

I chuckled, regaining my balance. "It's actually a Stilinski Family recipe. Very top secret, not even every Stilinski knows it."

He laughed. "Wow that hard to get huh?"

I nodded. "I had to beg my grandma for it."

"I guess I'll just have to beg you for it." He smiled.

I zipped my lips. "I'd rather not be whacked to death by my grandmother's cane."

Derek And Norma laughed. He turned to her. "Keep him around, I like him more than the last chef. He was crabby."

"Ronaldo was old."

Derek scoffed. "You're old and you're not crabby." He muttered under his breath.


"I said I love you!"

I laughed. "If you need anything you know where to find me."

Norma nodded, and I turned to walk away, before hearing Derek chuckle under his breath. "Damn." He whispered to himself.

I turned around. "Hm?"

He looked up at me, from where he was obviously looking at my ass. "Hm?"

I smiled. "Sorry I thought I heard something."

I returned to the kitchen with a laugh, and heard Norma smack Derek. "OW! NANA!"

I kinda like this job.

Props To The Chef (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now