Uncomfortable Conversations

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I sprayed the counter, wiping it off with a rag as I checked the time on my watch. 6:30, I should've been out of here an hour ago, but I wanted to make sure everything was clean and in the correct spot.

     The kitchen door opened, and Norma gave me a surprised look. "Stiles? You're still here?"

      "Yes ma'am. I'm just finishing cleaning, I'll be out in ten." I put the spray away and continued to brush crumbs off the counter into the trash.

     "Actually," she pulled out two mugs. "Do you drink coffee?"

     I nodded. "More than I should."

     She laughed. "Stay a few. I'd like to get to know you more."

      I reached for the coffee, but she took my hand away. "You're off the clock boy, let me do this."

      "Thank you ma'am." I leaned on the counter as she quickly moved around the kitchen.

      "You got anyone to go home to?"

    I shook my head. "It's just me. I lived with my dad while I went to school, but once I graduated I got my own place."

     She poured the coffee into the mugs, and slid one to me. "No girlfriend?"

       Ew. "No ma'am. Just me."

      She stared at me silently, and took a sip of her coffee. "Can I ask you something?"


     "Are you gay?"

     I about choked on my coffee, and set the mug down before I dropped it. "Hm?"

      "Do you like men, stiles?"

      "Will this answer effect my current employment status?" I asked.


     "Then yes ma'am, I'm gay."

    "I thought so." She took a sip of her coffee. "So is my grandson."

      My eyes went wide. "Derek is gay?"

     She nodded. "I figured it out before he did."

    I laughed before taking a sip of my coffee. SCORE!

     "You two would be cute together."

     "Derek And I?" I questioned.


       I shook my head. "That couldn't happen."

      "Why not?" Norma pouted.

      "Well," I started. "He's your grandson, and you're my boss."

     She laughed. "I would have no issue with it."

      "Would Talia?"

     Norma scoffed. "She can suck an egg."

     I laughed, and ran my hand through my hair.

     "Are you attracted to him?"

      I nodded. "Yes ma'am."

     "And I know he's attracted to you. So if one of you doesn't go for it, I'll make it happen."

     I laughed. "I should get going."

     "Okay boy." She nodded, taking my mug from me. "Think about it. You deserve someone to go home to."

      I smiled. "I will."

Props To The Chef (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now