Turning Point

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My new chapter in life has changed

My friends has left and some had came

Others ignored me but I still stayed the same

Will I see the chapter in a different way?

 I gotten a new interest

It's called creepypasta

I understand them unlike the rest

But I don't blame them

 They are created by the twist in the minds

The minds of the author otherwise

It proves that even the most innocent

Can be a deceiving content

 Now about my friends

There's always an end to them

I have been left out from their group conversation

When I speak, they gave me unexpected expressions

 When I just said hi

They looked at me awkwardly and walked away

What did I say?

 They think of me as a party pooper

What did I even do?

Why would they treat me like that?

Is it a rule?

 I've just abandon them and gain new friends

I though it was impossible


It happened

 I finally found people who have the same interest as me

I don't know how to explain the joy I feel

All I know is that I can't be with people I only knew

I only understand the people I know

 I wanted to be anti social

but seems like it's impossible

In my mind I wanted to be alone

In my heart, it didn't like what I wanted to do

I thought friends we're nothing And being alone is my happiness

But actually

It just made a total mess

 I'm scared of being too close to people

Because if I did

I won't be able to accept the fact that

They would leave just like how the others did

 People think I'm just obsessed

But I'm not

I'm just afraid of what people gave

The pain of being invisible again

 But now I'm used to it

I like the loneliness and solitude

Just how I would have to get used to

since the real world your on your own

 So back to the obsession thing

I ain't obsess with friends or people

I hate popularity and I hate show offs too

I hate the way people act to you

 It's been a long time since I've done a poem

To express what I'm feeling

To explain the forum

To let it all go in a rhythm and beat

 So peace :)

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