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Why would you leave?

Why would you go?

Why leave me alone?

Ever since school started

You started to ignore me

You walk out when I enter

You make me cry when I'm happy


Why do that?

Shatter my heart

Break my back

I did everything for you

I helped you when I don't feel like it

I loved you

But you used it as a weapon

All we say is hi

And then Bye

But why?

Don't want a bye

I want a reason why

The reason you would say that

But I guess there isn't one.

I just want to talk

To work it out

But all turned out

To be a walk

You broke them promises

You shattered my heart

You lied to me

How could you do that?

I did favors for you

I gave you confidence


And this what I get from you?

What kind of friend are you exactly?

A user?

Or a muther focking jerk-off?

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