It hurt

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It hurt when you lied
It hurt when you left
In the inside I died
And I'm out of breath

I can't breath in this world
I can't take the pain
I don't want to live anymore
And hell I gained

The cuts are deep
My eyes are dry
I can't hear a tiny meep
I just wanna die

I grab the razor
And slit my throat
My life is over
And I won't grow

I drop to the ground
Blood everywhere
It flows from my wounds
And my heart tears

I love the darkness
All alone and sad
I hate the brightness
Which I wish was never found

I don't care if I'll live
Nor even die
I'll accept anything
That's if I try

I hope they're happy
That I'm gone
I don't want anyone crying
Wasting their tears on my own

I'm buried in the ground
Waiting to be wakened up
Into the new world
And a new life begun

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