People's people

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Alex's POV
"Hey Mer, do you think you'll ever find love again?" I ask my person.
"Maybe, but I'm not going to try to look for anyone. Why?" Meredith asks.
"No reason. Just that Jo wants to set you up with one of her friends." I say.
"Well, maybe. But I do have another romantic interest right now too." She says.
"Really?  Who?" I ask.
"Don't sound so surprised!  I can still go out!" She says.
"Alright, well you'd better tell Jo so she doesn't set you up with her friend." I say.
"Yeah I'm going to see if this is actually going to go somewhere because he's actually really awesome and I'm hoping it's good." She says.

Meredith's POV
"Hey Jo, Alex said you wanted to set me up with one of your friends?  Who were you thinking?" I ask.
"I was thinking about my friend Linc.  He's an ortho surgeon, and super cute. You two would be perfect for each other!" Jo says excitedly.
"Dr Lincoln?" I ask.
"Yeah! What do you think of him?  Isn't he amazing?" Jo asks.
"Yeah, I do want to let you know that I do have a potential relationship forming. I don't want to say who just in case it doesn't work out."  I say.
"Oh my god that's so awesome!  Cool so I'll tell Linc you might be up for a date or something!"  Jo says, and leaves to do post op checks.
"That's not what I- whatever." I say, picking up a tablet to check my schedule for any more surgeries.
I see that I've got a surgery with Deluca in a couple hours, so I decide to check on the patient and grab a cup of coffee and do a final review of the case and operation before heading down to prep the patient.

"Dr Grey." Deluca says, walking into a conference room/scan room.
"Dr Deluca."  I say. "Okay so walk me through the operation."
As he does that, demonstrating with the computers and 3D scans of the patient.
"Okay so what happens if the patient has damage worse than what we see in the scans?"  I ask.
"We improvise, and take the best course of action, taking into consideration quality of life and what would actually fix the issue at hand." He says.
"Good. Now, I have a feeling that the scans aren't showing us everything, so either one or both of us will have to stay overnight to check on Mrs Blake." I say.
"I don't have plans, so I can stay. You should spend some time with your kids." He says.
"I spent all day yesterday with them. I can see if Maggie or Amelia can watch them." I say.
"I guess we're both staying then." He says. "We can take shifts after the surgery so we can both get some sleep and food."
"Sounds good. I should call my kids to say good night at some point too." I say.

We go down to Mrs Blake's room and get her prepped and all set for surgery and answer any other last minute questions. 

"Mrs Blake's family?" I call into the waiting room.
"How is she? Did she make it?" A young man ran up to us with two kids. 
"She's perfectly fine, she's being transported from the OR to the ICU as we speak. There were some smaller complications, but those shouldn't have any impact on recovery and final result.  The damage to the intestine was a bit more than the scans showed, but it was so small of extra damage that it shouldn't have any impact.  Other than that, it was a textbook surgery." I say to the man.
"When can we see her?  Why is she in the ICU?" He asks.
"Just so we can keep an eye on her during the first 12 to 24 hours post-op.  It's easier for the nurses, and us, and it's closer to the OR for the off chance an additional emergency operation is needed. But we don't foresee that happening.  Both of us will be staying here tonight, so your wife will be monitored very closely." I say. 
"Oh okay. And I'm her boyfriend. Well, fiance.  We got engaged last week." He says.
"Ahh okay. Well, a nurse will come get you when you can visit her." I say.
"Thank you both." He says and we walk away. 

"Food.  And water. And coffee. Oh and sleep. And shower." I say groggily as I slump onto the couch in the attending lounge.
"Here's coffee, Dr Grey." Andrew says, handing me a paper cup.
"You're amazing.  Thanks." I say taking a sip of the delicious hot coffee. Perfect.  "And if we're alone, it's Meredith."
"I um okay Meredith." Andrew says.
"Sit, help yourself to the coffee and snacks or whatever." I say.

"Well, we have a long night ahead of us, so I'm going to call my kids and I can go check on Mrs Blake.  I'll let you know if there's any change." I say, pulling my phone out.

"Hey Zola!" I say to my oldest.
"Hi Mom!  Bailey, Ellis and I are doing good and Auntie Maggie is making us dinner.  She's making mac and cheese.  I'll let Bailey and Ellis talk now." Zola says, and I suddenly hear the voices of my other two kids.
"Hi Mommy!" Bailey says. 
"Momma! When you coming home?" Ellis asks.
"Hi baby!  I'm going to be home tomorrow morning!  I'll try to be home in time to bring you guys to school in the morning!" I say.
"Yay! I can't wait Momma!" Ellis says.
"Me too!" Bailey says.
"Now, you guys need to be good for Auntie Maggie tonight, okay?  Don't give her any trouble, okay?" I say.
"Yes mommy! I can make sure!" Zola says.
"Alright, and try not to stay up too late." I say.
"Yes mommy!  We know!  Now go have fun with whatever you're doing!" Zola says.
"Love you mommy!" They all say.
"I love you too." I say, and hang up the phone. 

"Alright. Kids are gonna be good for Maggie.  Let's go check on Mrs Blake then we can grab some coffee and food."

"So when are we going to face this?"  Deluca says as we're sitting eating.  
"Um what?"  I say with a mouth full of food.
"This.  Dr Grey, I feel like there is this connection between us, and I know you feel it too."  Deluca whispers, while looking into my eyes. 
"Deluca, we're at work." I say hesitantly.
"Meredith, we're alone.  Can we please stop ignoring that there's something here?" Andrew says.
"Alright.  But on one condition." I say quietly. "That we keep it quiet for now.  Please."
"I can do that." He says. "Posso baciarti ora?" (Can I kiss you now?)
I just nod as he leans in.  Just as our lips are about to touch, Amelia runs in, the door hitting the wall with a bang.

Merluca: Love TrianglesWhere stories live. Discover now