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A/N: Just as a heads up, this chapter may contain sensitive information for some people and my intention isn't to do anything bad, just put in another wrench in the story that actually connects to another character. 

Meredith's POV
Our lips are about to touch as the door suddenly slams open flooding the room with bright florescent lights.

"Oh um Mer? I need help." Amelia says, clearly upset about something.
I give Andrew an apologetic look and he nods.

"What's up?" I ask.
"I interrupted something didn't I?" She says. "Yes but you're upset." I say.
"Owen and I are done and I need someone to wallow with and Alex is with Jo and I don't want to intertupt that and Maggie and Jackson are back together and I have no one else." She says climbing onto my bed.
"Okay well let me text Andrew and I can go get some ice cream." I say.
"I really want tequila but I can't." She says.
"Yeah let's stick with ice cream and pizza." I say.

Hey Andrew, Amelia and Owen broke up and she needs to wallow... I'm so so sorry about today but I promise I'll make it up to you ~ Mer

Hey Mer, it's okay, I get it. Give her my condolences. Can't wait for the make-up date ;) ~ andrew

I smile when I get the response from him. He's a keeper.

"Alright so we have cookie dough and mint chip." I say holding two pints up.
"Dude you have a secret stash of booze." Amelia says holding a bottle of tequila in her hand.
"Shit. Amelia do you know what you just did? Are you kidding me?" I say. Damn it.

"Owen I need your help. Amelia came crying to me and said you guys broke up. Which is fine but she found a bottle of tequila in my room." I say.
"Fuck. Are you serious? We need to get her into rehab. Or the hospital." He says. "I'll be over soon. I can hopefully coax her into doing this."
"Hopefully. Or we have a much larger problem on our hands." I say and hang up.

"Mer! Join me!" Amelia says.
"Amelia Shephard. Get your drunk ass off the dresser and sit on the bed. You're going to hand me that bottle and you are going to stay there until I bring you to the car, okay?" I say.
"Aww why? I forgot how nice it is to be drunk!" She slurs.
"Amelia. Now." I say.

She starts to get off the freakin dresser when her foot slips and she lands hard on her wrist.
"Meredith! My wrist really hurts! I think it's broken." She says, now crying.
"Alright. Up we go. And now you're going to walk with me to the car. We need to get to the hospital so they can fix your wrist." I say. And hopefully get you sober too.

"Meredith? I thought you got off work hours ago." Bailey says as Amelia and I walk in.
"Yeah but we have a bit of a situation right now." I say.
"Oh is everything okay?" Bailey asks.
"She was um drunk and she climbed onto my dresser and fell off."  I say. "See the problems?"
"Yeah. Excuse me nurse, can you page Dr Lincoln and Dr Kim please?" Bailey asks.
"Of course." She says.  The doctors show up minutes later.

"So where's the patient?" Dr Lincoln says walking up with a smile on his face.
"Here.  Amelia injured her wrist. She fell off my dresser. While drunk." I explain.
"Drunk?  Well okay um let's go up to xray and see what's wrong."  Dr Lincoln says.

While Amelia is getting the xray, Linc and I start talking.
"What sparked this incident?" He asks.
"Owen and Amelia got into a fight and Owen said he was done with it all and they broke up." I said. "Then she found my secret bottle of tequila in my room."
"Oh that's not good." He says. We both know her history.
"After we get her wrist fixed up, depending on how bad it is, we can always admit her to our rehab floor." I say.
"Yeah. Scans are up. Okay well she actually needs surgery. The bones aren't aligned properly right now and it needs pins for it to heal correctly." Linc says. "But she needs to get the alcohol out if her system before we operate."
"Yeah. An ICU room without access to any drugs would work. And a nurse or intern supervising nearby at all times." I say.
"Yeah. Alright call Schmidt to take her up." Linc says.
"Sounds good." I say and call the young intern up.

Amelia's POV
I wake up looking at harsh florescent lights and the smell of a hospital. How the hell did I get here?

I see Meredith walk by.
"Mer!" I call. I see her blonde head turn around.
"You're awake.  Last night you broke your wrist pretty badly and you need surgery on it." She says.
"Okay so was it successful?" I ask. 
"We haven't done the surgery yet." She says.
"Why?" I ask.
"You were very drunk when you broke your wrist."  She says.
"Why did I drink?  Fuck.  Why didn't you stop me?  Ugh I hate myself." I say staring at the ceiling.
"I had to make a call and you found a bottle of tequila in my room." She says.
"Oh well I did really want a drink.  I still do.  But I also know I really can't." I say.
"From here on out there is going to be a nurse or intern nearby, and there won't be any alcohol in the house until you think you can manage to not drink it." She says.
"Thanks Mer." I say. "So when can we do the surgery?"
"Once the alcohol is out of your system."  She says. "I can check now."

"You're all clear.  Let's get you prepped and down to the OR." She says.

Meredith's POV
The surgery went smoothly and soon she was up in her room on the ICU again, far from any medications or anything that might tempt her. 

By this time it was nearly four in the morning and I was exhausted.  I slowly walk to an on call room and slouch onto one of the uncomfortable beds.  It's not home but it's better than the floor.

Not long after, someone else comes in and looks at me.  Andrew. 
"Hi." I say quietly.
"Hey.  Shh stay there.  I'll join you if that's okay." He says.
"Yeah.  It's been a long night.  Fuck I need to call my kids." I say.
"Mer, I called Maggie and she and Jackson are with them right now.  Don't worry about them.  Get some sleep and we can talk after you sleep." He says.
"Hmn you're amazing." I say, snuggling into his chest once he's laying next to me, stroking my hair.
"So are you." He says. 
After that we fall asleep in the tiny twin bed of an on call room.

A/N: hey yall!  Thanks for reading... i hope this wasnt too much into amelia's issues and itll get more into merluca next chapter as well.  In any case, i really hoped yall liked it, and I cant wait to write more!  Please vote/comment/share if you enjoyed!  Xoxo Kallie Grey

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