(Old) The Adventures of Ruby, Fire and I Part Three

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Based off of actual events, but happened before school. And I told Ruby (actual name changed from real life). Fire (who's name's changed as well) told me first. And please guess what happened recently, well, at least a bit before that. You'll understand my mental breakdown.

Crap, what the heck-
"Robin, get your butt over here or I will burn you in the fiery pits of-"
I interrupted her before she could say another word, and ran into her room, well, more like her owners room, where she sat, eyes fixed on the television before her, and repeatedly banging a forepaw on the screen. "Robin, please don't hate me for this." She took a deep breath and sighed. "Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who."
"WHAT!" I screeched, and poked my head before the TV. I pulled back as I saw the words. "HE HAD TO ANNOUNCE THIS AT A WORSE TIME?"
"What in the name of insanity are you two doing?" Fire burst into the room, wings flared in surprise.
Ruby gave me a shove, and muttered, "You tell her."
"Fire, Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who."
Then Fire did something I expected from Ruby. She shook me. "ROBIN! DO NOT SPEAK THOSE WORDS!"
Now I got what I expected. Ruby shook me next. "Does anyone else think we have a mental problem?"
"That is what you call overly fangirling." Fire meowed.
"Does anyone think we should check ourselves into a mental hospital?" I suggested.
"Could we kidnap Senpai?"
"Not this again."

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