(Old) Nevermore Part One

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Ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the Nightly shore—
Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!"
            Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."
                                                        - The Raven,
                                                          Edgar Allen Poe
                                                         January 1845

"Hold on!" The Doctor cried, about to lose his grip on his granddaughter's paw. He felt her claws dig into his leg, but he didn't care. They were crash-landing, with no chance of survival, anyway.
He shut his eyes tight as they impacted.

"Excuse me? You still alive? " the Doctor's eyes fluttered open, and his mind faintly registered the image of a very dark gray cat. He shoved himself to his paws. "Of course I'm alive. What's it look like to you? A StarClan cat?"
"No, sorry. The she-cat is unharmed, if you might ask, but I'm afraid your box did kill a few rats. Those souls shall live Nevermore."
"Did you quote something on a few.. creatures?"
"Owner's own words. I hear him speaking to himself as he paces the floor. Repeats those words over and over. Only seems to do that when he can't think." The gray cat shook out his fur. "Rare,though."
A low moan signaled that Arkytior was awake. The Doctor turned and ran over to her. "You okay?"
"Fine, grandfather. Who's that?" She indicated the gray cat.
"Raven." The cat proceeded to bow. "At your service."
"You are very strange."
"Thank- wait a minute.." Raven narrowed his eyes as he realized what she said. Arkytior narrowed her green eyes and smiled smugly.
"I am a pet of a poet! How you dare insult my family? You will rest forever under Raven's shadow and will find heaven-"
"Nevermore. I get it." The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Why you quoting a famous poem before it's been published?" He shut his mouth abruptly as he realized he'd said too much.
"Wait, you act as if you've heard this before. Never mind." The two breathed a sigh of relief as Raven dismissed it. "I say it to scare cats. More of an alleycat than a pet. Master really can't feed me all that much, so I hunt on streets. That reminds me... Cats are going missing for some reason. Like mist in the wind."
Mist in the wind. The Doctor turned away from Raven and faced his granddaughter. "I think we may have an alien on our paws."

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