Unpopular PokéPinion: Eeveelution!

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Inspired by some of the answers from last time, here's the next Unpopular PokéPinions that I opened for Debate!
Eevee is the best of all, of course; however, there's more to this little cutie than meets the eye. As we all know, Eevee is "the evolutionary Pokémon," meaning, it has the widest possibilities of branch evolution! At this time Eevee can evolve into 8 varying types and it's kinda gotten to the point where we, as fans, expect a new evolution every couple Generations (Where my Dragon-Type Eeveelution, yo!?). So instead of a discussion for this Unpopular PokéPinion, I instead decided to ask people's preferences on their favorite Eeveelutions!

My Eevee Evolution Ranking:
Jolteon, Flareon, Leafeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Sylveon, Vaporeon, Glaceon.


Nemu: "Nah, leafeon's bottom of the barrel here. It's definitely Umbreon, Jolteon, Glaceon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Sylveon, and Leafeon "
Me: "Aaaww!! Why'd you kick Leafeon to the bottom??? Lol"
Nemu: "I just super don't like its design mostly. Soooo much potential as a grass type and all they do is put a leaf on its tail... and its overall stats and movesets are lackluster to me. Honestly sylveon is only a step above because it's so tanky and versatile in battle but the 'flesh ribbons' are a lot to deal with. And as a dragon lover I can't help but be salty about how op fairies are."
Me: "I agree- Fairy Types are just too much... but those 'flesh ribbons..!' Lolol the first time I heard that I was laughing so hard... wtf"
Nemu: "Ok but like... they are though! It's not like they're little antennae or butterfly wings they're freaking flesh ribbons and it's weird the creators thought that was ok"

Mandy: "For me, it's Leafeon, Espeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Sylveon. This is kind of strictly based on cuteness, and I like Leafeon's design best.
Me: "OOH! Battle! Mandy likes Leafeon, Nemu!! lol"
Nemu: "Leafeon gonna get hit pretty hard by my Jolteon's pin missile just saying..."

Laurel: "Flareon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, Jolteon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Espeon, Sylveon... I definitely go by personal preference and look"
Me: "And Vaporeon's NOT first??? Whaaaaat??? Lol"

Jay Hernandez: " Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Flareon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Sylveon"
Me: "Dang. I'm honestly surprised Glaceon is getting so much love..!"
Jay: "yeah"

Kassie: "Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Flareon, Umbreon, Jolteon, Sylveon... maybe. But Espeon is definitely the best!
... Vaporeon between Umbreon and Jolteon."
Me: "Lol Aaww, poor Vaporeon got left behind!"


While it seems like most of us differ on our favorite Eevee evolution, we all have the same understanding when it comes to our rankings. It's all purely based on their design!

Laurel, who is obsessed with sea creatures, studies marine biology, and looooves Water-Type Pokémon, chose Flareon over Vaporeon because she liked the way it looked better... Mandy said the same thing and so did Nemu, their favorites were based on their overall design. And the same goes for me.

Vaporeon is near the bottom because I'm not a big fan of the way it looks compared to some of the others. Aside from that, my ranking also stems from my loyalty to the Gen 1 Pokémon and the nostalgia I feel towards them. I've always been keen towards Electricity as an element, so naturally Jolteon would be first, but from that point forward, they pretty much stick to their Gen order.

Very few of my friends chose their rankings based on stats while some, like Kassie, actually went on to consider their personality and/ or types.

Only after the fact did I realize that I put Vaporeon and Glaceon both at the bottom of my list. From seeing how cute they are in the Anime and how strong they could be from the Games, you would think I might want to consider...? WRONG. Upon further calculation, I realize the pull my subconscious had in this vote...

Anyone who knows me knows I don't like water... I'm not the biggest fan of hanging out beside the pool or visiting the beach- I hate being wet... And almost just as much, I don't like the cold..! Without thinking about it, I ranked the two Pokémon Types that I, as a human person, do not like..! And as I said last time, the ones that ranked higher were actually the ones with the "cooler" designs..! And while I know that I've pretty much neeeever been a fan of Glaceon, there was a time when Sylveon even ranked below it..!

When Sylveon first emerged as an Eevee Evolution, but more than that, basically "the face" of Fairy-Type Pokémon... the type I had the hardest time to adjust to, I really didn't like it. Fairy-Types were just these Pokémon the creators decided were going to dominate all the other Pokémon, and I didn't like it. But after awhile, Fairy-Types began to grow on me and so did Sylveon. She's actually pretty darn cute..! And although I'm still not ok with the whole "flesh ribbon"...... thing...??? She's at least better than Glaceon, in my opinion..!

The more questions I ask, the more I'm learning about myself as a Pokémon Obsessed Fan and it's really a lot of fun..! ♡

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