After I Finish This Poem

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After I finish this poem I have to get off the computer

I'll log off my account

I don't wanna log off

No one in my life can know about my poems though

Oh how they'd tease

They'd tease me for having a heart

They'd tease me for being in love

Because they don't know just how good it feels

Writing these poems is like laying down all of my emotions

Its like taking my makeup off after a long day

I'm myself when I write

When I talk to Her friends I don't know who I am

I guess I just become who they want me to be

But this is me

Anyone out there who reads even 1 of my poems knows me more than anyone that I've seen face to face

This is more me than anything else

This is who I am

These poems are me in my purest form

Nothing else








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