― 15. death

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                          BY NOW Kaitlyn feels like a shell of her old self

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                          BY NOW Kaitlyn feels like a shell of her old self. She can't bear to smile anymore, she just stares blankly at the floor or wall. Eating is a chore; she also can't bring herself to put anything in her mouth or even keep it down. She's living in fear but with endless amounts of hope, even though it isn't completely enough to keep her afloat. Nothing prepares anyone for them to be snatched from their normal life. All she can do was sit and worry about John, about her friends, and the orchestra. She worries about the repercussions this will have on her and everyone around her. Uncertainty of things finally catch up to her and she cab no longer hold her head high in this place.

   She's alone, in a way, sitting in the lounge. Of course she knows there's guards positioned outside the doors, but she can't even fathom trying something in case they're the 'shoot on sight' type people. Kaitlyn's curious though— Viggo left in a hurry absolutely enraged, going on about a vault and John. He'd been livid.

   By the sudden ruckus outside the room, she's assuming he's back. Which she doesn't mind Viggo because he's a reasonable man, but she's rather be alone.

   "Your husband is truly mad!!" Viggo comes bursting into the lounge with Avi hot on his heels. They make her jump in place by their sudden intrusion. The men that soon follow look bloody and beaten up, "if you'd like to know Mrs. Wick, he's officially back." he sneers.

   Kaitlyn shivers. What does he mean John's back.. he can't be meaning.. "What?"

   "He destroyed my important vault, burned everything!" he yells, eyes focusing on the tiny female who shrinks back in her seat, "then went on to kill more of my men, threaten my son and me. Now I have to pull the damn contract." he turns to Avi, "call them right now and make sure it's pulled. Don't want to make things worse."

   "Yes sir."

"Now Mrs. Wick, come with me." Viggo demands. He's point at her accusingly and motions for her to come; he's probably not in the mood to argue.

   "What?" she stands up alarmed. A jacket is thrown her way and the butt of a gun hits her back. She glares at the gun holder then follows Viggo in confusion. She can see his anger fading and how he seems to be shutting down, probably scared. Her mind wanders off to what's going on and every scary thought that comes with that.

   "I want you to be with me when it happens."

   "When what happens?"

   He doesn't speak anymore, just motions for her to follow him again. She trails behind in silence staring at the floor until they arrived into his office. Pulling out a chair for her to sit, Viggo sits in his large leather chair behind the desk. The room is spacious and airy; a large vault apparent in the wall. On the desk are papers and boxes, most likely containing coins.

   Viggo is looking just as dead inside as Kaitlyn is as he smokes, staring at the phone on his desk. Every second that passes make the two anxious and their chests lurch at the slightest noise. She feels for him, to lose someone you love, but she can't let it take away the fact he's holding her against her will.

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