― 28. a look into the past

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                   IT WAS almost 11 p

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IT WAS almost 11 p.m. as Kaitlyn walked down the streets of Seoul clutching the straps of her backpack. A warm night breeze blew through the air as it was mid July. Around her the sky scrapers of the city made her look like a tiny ant about to be absorbed by the metals and bright lights. It being a Saturday night means she would get to sleep in tomorrow- with no work looming on the horizon. There was a smile plastered on her lips as she had no care in the world. A hand stumbled around the pockets of her school jacket to pull out a box she'd shoved there. In another pocket was the lighter. Slowly she lit the cigarette to bring it up to her lips- sucking in and blowing out. A death trap this was- but so was school in South Korea and her will to live left long ago.

But it was all done. High school. The ungodly late nights that would leave her half dead. The terror. Sadness. Stress. The suicidal thoughts of it was all going to be worth it. Kaitlyn made it through, though many had not been as lucky. Her long brown hair was tossed back as she took in her surroundings, almost trying to memorize them like it would be the end. In a month and a half she'll be in New York, pursuing her dreams and her parents' as well. Thousands of miles away from them, that was what she would be- that excited her.

   When she arrived at her apartment complex, she let out a big sigh and put out the cigarette. A sense of anxiety had overcome her small figure as she entered a code into a keypad. The doorman gave her a tiny wave before going back to his business as she walked to the elevator- which the ride was short. Ten floors up and she still got an amazing view of the city, one she would start to treasure more now. The lights of an every moving city of people going on their way, working most likely. Maybe this moment right here will be the last time she'd stare out somberly. Kaitlyn shrugged and started for her door again.

Once at the door that lead into her apartment, she had to rummage through her bag to try to find the key. But after a few moments she checked the handle to find it open. Another sigh escaped her lips as she walked in.

There would be no congratulations or party for the fresh high school grad, Kaitlyn knew that but she still hoped. But she saw her parents sitting on the couch and knew it would be the same as usual. The doctors she had for parents don't say a word, their eyes never leave their books and or tv. Kaitlyn set down her bag as she went into the kitchen.

The apartment is luxurious and expensive, even for Seoul's normally expensive standards. Everything was white, gray or black. Sleek marble floors and counter tops on the ever white cabinets. Modern everything. No color except for the occasional (fake) green plants. There were no family pictures anywhere, nor were any of the young girl's achievements on display. The home is void of any happiness or love, and it seems to have slowly seeped onto Kaitlyn's core as she only stares now.

"Kyunga! There is leftover food in the fridge!" the shrill voice of her mother reached her ears making her flinch. Of course, no one has ever cooked in this place but herself.

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