Chapter 24:Road fight and ShadowStreaker and AstriaBlade captured!

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Optimus's pov

I'm currently fighting one of KSI's prototypes and I said "you have no soul!" as I stabbed him the chest-hole and he said "that is why I have no fear! now you die!" I froze for a second that voice "Megatron"

I snarled and kicked him off me only to be shot through the chest and blown away from him. I saw another shot coming my way and I closed my optics only to snap them open as I hear a howl of pain and I saw "SHADOWSTRIKER NO!" as said mech landed near me and groaned I tried to get up but it was useless.

I then heard ShadowStriker growl out a "YOU BASTARD!" at LockDown as said mech said "ah my latest experiment your twin is safe for now but you not so much" he chuckled evilly.

I growled "leave him alone LockDown!" his helm snapped to my direction as he gave me a speech and ended it with "and your creators want you back, we all work for someone!" as the nets came around Shadow and myself until I heard a "DADDY NO!" I heard him say "NO ASTRIA STAY BACK!" but it was already too late as we were sent into the shape.


ShadowStriker along with his sparkling was thrown into a cage next the large beasts (THE DINO-BOTS BABY!) Shadow grunted  as he sat up and saw the biggest one stare at him he chuckled saying "hey GrimLock how ya doing?" said dino bot growled out a "doing ok who this?" as he nodded at Astria.

Shadow chuckled "this little one is my one of my split-spark sparkling AstriaBlade! come little one GrimLocks a good friend of your daddy" the little sparkling shyly waved at the big mech and hid in her sire's chest-plates.

GrimLock chuckled and said "cute sparkling Shadow who is carrier?" Shadow grinned and said "A predacon prime who was a human called Annabelle or in our culture Olympus Prime" then he chuckled saying "and she's going to be one very angry femme soon" they were cut off by a roar and a "FUCK YOU CROSSHAIRS IM GETTING MY MATE AND CHILD BACK!"

All the dino-bots and ShadowStriker roared with laughter "that Shadow's mate?!" asked a surprised Snarl the mech just grinned darkly and said "oh you think she's mad now you should see her in battle! Primus that femme is a goddess!".

AstriaBlade looked at her sire and said "daddy I can transform and burn the bars!" Shadow chuckled "that's great sweetie but I'm upside down so" she frowned then transformed and let out a loud squeaky roar since she is still a sparkling.

ShadowStriker got an idea and said "sweet I need you bite my servo and then close your optics and roar as loud as you can ok!" the little femme nodded ,she bit his servo and closed her eye then she concentrated and roared as she heard her sire's roar it was quite impressive.

With Annabelle and the other's

AthenaBlaze's pov

I was with mommy and the others looking for my sis and daddy until we heard a squeaky roar I gasped and shouted "ASTRIA!" mommy noticed it as well but all was silenced as we heard a really loud and ground shaking roar "SHADOWSTRIKER! COME ON THERE HERE!" said mommy as she scooped me up and ran in the direction of the sound.

We turned the corner and saw my sissy and daddy hanging upside down with Astria clinging to him in her predacon form.

She saw me and transformed into her original form and ran to the bars "ATHENA! MOMMY!" she was crying and so was I as I clung to her.

I heard the others helping daddy as he grunted as he landed on the ground and hugged mommy he looked at me and sissy and scooped us up in a hug saying "my two little warriors!" we giggled and snuggled into his chest-plate.


No-one pov

After a mini battle on the ship everyone manage to escape on a separates part of the ship and landed in an old railway station and waited for the others to join us.

Soon Bumblebee turned up and CrossHairs said "great Bumblebee's here lets give him the great new! we got a ship were leaving" then a whole argument started between Cade and Optimus.  

But everyone froze as Optimus said "and within that man-made prototype I fought I sensed the presence of Megatron!" everyone jumped as they heard a loud bang and turned. And saw ShadowStriker's fist dented in a train he shook with anger and his optics turned white as he spoke.

"how many times huh? how many times does he have to die so we can finally have peace!" he roared as he looked at Optimus continuing his speech "how many of us have to die? , how many planets do we have to lose? how many battle's and wars do we have to go through just so he takes the hint and just stays dead!"

He walked up to Optimus and being nearly the Primes height he stared at him and said "our family is still out there! I have a sparkmate and sparklings to care for Optimus! I refuse to let the humans and Megatron destroy our chance of peace!" and with that he transformed and took of into the sky.

Indeed how many times does Megatron have to die to finally have peace?......

Edited on the 28/10/21

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